Teachers’ strike takes toll on students

Teaching and non-teaching staff on strike against appointment of top education officer

Syed Qaiser Shirazi August 11, 2022


Students of all government educational institutions across the Rawalpindi district continue to suffer owing to the ongoing strike of the teaching and non-teaching staff against the re-appointment of the new head of the District Education Authority (DEA).

The teachers and the clerical staff have locked horns with the provincial education ministry and the district administration over the re-appointment of DEA Executive Officer Kashif Azam.

The striking teachers locked the main gates of all government schools early in the morning on Wednesday, forcing the students to return home in despair.

Though a negligible number of schools remained open, where the students’ attendance remained very low. These schools also sent the students back home early as no teacher was available to take classes.

The education system in all government education institutions has come to a standstill as the ongoing strike entered its 9th day on Wednesday. Activities related to Independence Day celebrations have also been cancelled in all government schools due to the ongoing strike.

The striking teachers have boycotted all events of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations and events including quizzes, speech and drama competitions and other activities.

On the other hand, private school teachers have rejected the demand of the protesting teachers to close private educational institutions stating that though they fully supported the protesting teachers and clerks and will participate in their demonstrations and face lawsuits, they will never leave their students in the lurch by closing the schools.

They said that private schools will not put the future of their students at stake under any circumstances. They said that classes and co-curricular activities will continue and activities related to Independence Day celebrations will also continue in private schools across the district.

On the other hand, teachers of government schools have announced the boycott of Independence Day celebration activities across the district.

They have announced to continue with the strike till the transfer of Executive Officer Kashif Azam, who shows up in his office daily only to sit idle.

Sources said that a meeting of the committee under the chair of Punjab Education Minister Murad Raas is expected to be held on Thursday to solve the ongoing burning issue.

Education department sources said that the issue was expected to be solved amicably this week since proposals, expected to be acceptable to both parties, have been thrashed out by the committee headed by Murad Raas.

Last week teachers and the clerical staff manhandled District Education Authority's Chief Executive Officer Kashif Azam soon after he reached the office to assume charge after he was appointed to the post for the third time.

They tortured Kashif Azam and tore his clothes, dragging him on the road for several minutes. The enraged teachers and the clerical staff also assaulted Deputy Education Officer Malik Asif Ali, when he attempted to save the CEO, who was seriously injured and fell unconscious on the ground semi-naked, as his clothes were torn up.

Later, the CEO escaped and saved his life by hiding in a rickshaw parked nearby. A medical report mentioned that he sustained fractures in his ribs. Later, the education officers were taken to a safe place in police custody.

Waris Khan police reached the spot and removed a strike camp set up by the teachers and clerical staff. Police arrested 20 teachers and clerical staff while all other teachers and clerks escaped from the scene.

During the attack on the education officer, female teachers ran away screaming and took shelter in a nearby girls' school, whereas many lady teachers hid in nearby shops.

Kashif Azam served as the Chief Executive Officer in Rawalpindi twice before. Teachers and clerical organisations have been protesting against his appointment for the third time.

Earlier, teachers’ leaders Shahid Mubarak, Malik Amjad, and clerical staff leader Raja Aftab alleged that the attitude of the education officer was outrageous and disgracefu

Published in The Express Tribune, August 11th, 2022.


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