CCPO Lahore, DG anti-corruption removed after Elahi takes office

Kamyana, Jabbar to report to IB; sources speculate anti-PTI decisions of said officials behind move

Muhammad Shahzad July 27, 2022
Lahore CCPO Bilal Siddique


CCPO Lahore Bilal Siddique Kamyana, DG Anti-Corruption Abdul Jabbar and DPO Jhang Sardar Ghias Gul Khan were relieved of their duties “with immediate effect” on Wednesday morning, according to a notification issued by the government of Punjab.

Kamyana and Jabbar were also asked to report to the Intelligence Bureau (IB), while Sardar Ghias was directed to report to the Cabinet Secretariat in Islamabad.


Reportedly, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government was annoyed with Kamyana over the police's heavy-handedness in dealing with PTI supporters when they participated in the 'Azadi March' to the capital in May, a month after the no-confidence motion sent former prime minister and party chief Imran Khan packing.

Read PTI made every effort to influence judiciary: Sharjeel

Sources also say that many corruption cases against PTI leaders, including former chief minister Punjab Usman Buzdar and Farhat Shahzadi alias Farah Gogi, a close friend of the ex-first lady Bushra Bibi, were lodged as Abdul Jabbar had taken charge as DG anti-corruption.

The move comes after Punjab saw yet another dramatic turn of events late last night. Hours after the Supreme Court had struck down the Punjab Assembly deputy speaker’s ruling, President Dr Arif Alvi administered the oath of provincial chief executive to PTI candidate Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi at the President House at 11.30pm on Wednesday.

Earlier this month, an anti-corruption unit in the Farah Gogi casehad  arrested two accused belonging to the Faisalabad Industrial Estate Development and Management Company (FIEDMC).

On July 19, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB)-Lahore had summoned former first lady Bushra Bibi’s close friend Farah Khan, her husband Ahsan Iqbal Jamil and Chaudhry Majeed, along with 19 others, in the assets case against her.


syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply file4io43mo53635s65 356o3s4k6534osk653ps563s563skn563pso6k53sp6o5k3ns4p653sok563ps56oks356op3s653sp653sk6p3sok73opsk46po3sk56p 3s6ok3s4 p 63s4o6k5s435p3osk53sp 563sok563osp653s46k3s4 5o34s53m5o3ks45 6 p3sok534 sks p56 3s56ok 3sp456 4k3654p 3s564o3sk6 543sp65ok 43s 65o34sk 653so56k34so3ks56p3k 4o2k5po6k 256ok2 6k2 56p3k34564sk365 3sp34so65k3s45p6o3s4 kpo3564s3po5634s56p34s654ls3 564s3pl65 43 6p3os 7op34 s5pos3 5s3p5o3s4653s4 563s4 65p3s4l56 3sp4l56 34slp 563slp456 3ps4l56 34ps65 3s456p 3s465p3o5 3sp5o3s 563p o3 4563s5o6 s356op43 56ps4o356 p36l 3 3465 ps3o6 s36p5 o 563s4p56 356o 3s4563 o3s6 3465 34spl654p 356l34s653465l3 46543 65l436l3spl73s4 pl6s34p5l43s 56pl34s653 4pl347l43s fir 643s5s3453 465345p6l35pm3l634psl5634 65346534 s65p34l6543 5464356435 4354pl33s4m53p6l4m3s653lm563ms ks5l5s3p 5l3456pl43 64654747645d747m645754 d564d54d54o645kop45 3c43po3s5345435345345435435345 3pm53l36 5l 3456 hestedise 443543 654356p3l45345443654 6p4ld6p4l l64 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Imran Ahmed | 2 years ago | Reply Petty party politics while actual work urgent issues of governance in the province government are neglected. Representatives are too busy playing power games protecting their own their accomplices backs while exploiting levers of government to rip us off.
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