PM dissatisfied with pace of uplift work in Gwadar

After dropping fuel, power bombs, Shehbaz says it’s time for elite to sacrifice

​ Our Correspondents June 03, 2022


Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Friday expressed dissatisfaction over the slow pace of work on development projects in Gwadar, especially the ones which would provide clean water and electricity.

“I have directed to strictly follow the timelines in order to avoid any more delays in the projects,” the prime minister said while addressing the inauguration ceremony of Eastbay Expressway and groundbreaking of seven more development projects for Gwadar.

A component of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the six-lane Eastbay Expressway would connect the Gwadar Port with the Makran Coastal Highway, also providing a link to Karachi.

Read: Socio-economic uplift of Gwadar imperative for CPEC success

The prime minister also took an overview of the development projects, including the under-construction Gwadar Airport which was being built under a Chinese grant and faced a delay in completion.

Shehbaz broke ground for the Gwadar Seawater Desalination Plant by China Aid, Jingtal Gwadar Private Limited, Hangmei Lubricant Plant, Hangeng Agricultural Industrial Park, Gwadar Expo Centre and Gwadar Fertiliser Plant, besides distribution of 3,000 solar panels.

The premier said the Eastbay Expressway would also provide a link to Karachi to ease the transportation of goods.

“A desalination plant will be installed and a hospital has been built for the people of Gwadar, while 3,200 solar panels will be distributed among the families here.”

He said instead of wasting billions of rupees on water reservoirs, a desalination plant should have been installed to cope with the water needs of the people of Gwadar.

He assured that due to silting, the depth of Gwadar sea port was reducing and instructed for the dredging to allow the traffic of heavy ships.

He suggested a G2G model for installation of the desalination plant, calling for initiating talks with the Chinese side without any delay.

Proposing a model to address the issue of power supply to Gwadar, he said the government should award a contract to any private company to provide solar panels to the households and bank loans should be arranged for them to pay back.


Proposing a second model, the prime minister said a solar plant of 100-150 megawatts should be installed in Gwadar to provide off-grid power supply to the people.

Shehbaz also announced that in the first phase, the federal government would provide 2,000 boat engines to the fishermen through balloting.

Read 6% hike in defence budget approved

He announced that the federal government would also allocate funds for the establishment of a university in Gwadar to ensure its timely completion. The prime minister said the federal government would enrol another 500,000 poor people as beneficiaries of the BISP, with 100% cover to the poor people of Gwadar.

On skyrocketing inflation, PM Shehbaz said having increased oil prices again with a heavy heart, the government believed that any more burden on the poor masses would be unjust and it was a time for the elite class to sacrifice.

“I have called a meeting tomorrow … the billionaire elite should come forward and sacrifice for the poor masses and provide their resources through austerity… this will start from me, ministers, advisers, federal and provincial secretaries, and government officers,” the prime minister said.

Shehbaz said the elite would have to play their part in the noble cause. “This is their duty. I will ensure that they shower their resources for the poor and bear strict measures.”

The prime minister told the gathering that the government tried to avert the burden of oil price hike, but it was done with a heavy heart as 90% of the country’s needs were met through imported oil.

He said perceiving the success of vote of no-confidence against it, the previous regime reduced the oil prices to trap the incumbent government.

He questioned how the government could provide subsidy on imported oil through loans.

He said the government had announced a relief package of Rs2,000 each family under the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) to mitigate the impact of the oil price hike.

Separately addressing the officers attending the Command and Staff Course at Command and Staff College here, Shehbaz said that armed forces of Pakistan were the guarantors of peace, internal and external security, and regional stability, besides contributing to the global peace efforts.

The prime minister paid rich tribute to the achievements and sacrifices of Pakistan armed forces.
On arrival, he laid a wreath at the Shuhada Monument to pay homage to martyrs of Pakistan, according to the ISPR.

The prime minister said that Pakistan's successes in war against terrorism were unparalleled and duly acknowledged by the world.

He said the armed forces had always done a commendable job in service of the nation during natural calamities. “The armed forces of Pakistan are very important state institutions and are pride of the nation,” he reiterated.

Shehbaz said that the country's defence was sacred and Pakistan's security, sovereignty and integrity would be ensured at all costs.

"The nation owes its freedom to monumental sacrifices of our heroes our martyrs,” the prime minister remarked.

(With input from app)


syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply 644d56d54l6k54d6p5kd4 6d46pd4564d5645d645d6p4l5d7m4p56ml45d6d46pd546d54645d654d74d5645d645d6ml45645l6m4564d5p6 45mo6k4d5m6p45dm6p4l5 m6pl4d5m6d 45m64dpm57645mo65d4m65d4m645m764l5md6 4lpd56 d456 45645m6p45m6okd4m6po45dm6lm 4dm65d4m6md45p64dm5o76k45mopd654m645dl645 l76 4mp6lm4d5 6d4p564dmo645kd654dp7 45pldm65pd4m6 4m56 54m64m56p45mo6745kdm64pm5dldl d654m64p5o6k45m645op6k46 o4km645o6k4p674dm56pl45d m6pl54m d6d4 m645pm6o45d6p45dl6754 m6pl3 46 3 6p45ok654654mdp64d56 45pml74p5ldm 645pml6 54md6p 4dm6okm4d564m5p 6ko4d564 md5p6m564d5o645 y54ldp4 d5m6lp m546pl45 7645d m6p546m4d5mo64d5k6p4m5l65m4d6pl54m 5m654mp654k6d5464do5k6p4l5dm7p45dlm64 5m d6p4d5k6m54mop7k4dm6p45lm d745pmd7654DP6k546p45d76k45mpod645kp6k3pok6p mk46 p4k5o5p4m6k4d5m6opk4dm6ok45d6 pm4o5k6d4m5 45pmod6k4564dm6m45pd64l5 645l6 d4pl6 54 645654ko65464d56l45 pd6 45m6pl 4 p6ok3s6osk363pok63 m46 mokmmkpo5464d56l45d 7lp45dm76lp4 d5l6d45 6lp45d 64d 6p 4dm645dmokd64opmd6p4dl5 y4lpdm 54 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