CM warns Imran against sit-in

Hamza Shehbaz vows to imprison anyone conspiring against country

Our Correspondent June 03, 2022


Punjab Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz said on Thursday that former prime minister Imran Khan should think twice before planning his second sit-in.

Talking to the media during his visit to Gujranwala, he said the nation had not paid heed to Imran's last call for a sit-in and it would also ignore him in future.

The chief minister said bloodshed would not be allowed and anyone hatching a conspiracy against the country would be sent to prison.

He claimed that the previous government was responsible for load-shedding and price-hike, while also referring. to allegations of foreign funding and corruption through front men.

The chief minister said the Imran government had taken loans equivalent to 80 per cent of the total debt taken in the previous 72 years. The nation would hold Imran responsible for the record debt, he added.

He said the people understood egotistic claims being made about 'Balkanisation' of the country.

He said the former premier had estranged friendly countries and created hurdles whose removal would require time.

The CM said a political long march might be held but it had elements of anarchy as police personnel had been martyred.

Chief Minister Hamza said the case of the reported lynching of man, Muhammad Ashraf, by a mob in Gujranwala would be made an example for justice.

"Mob justice can't be allowed. Those responsible will be taken to task and action will be taken against those who showed negligence. I have met the bereaved family and the occurrence of such incidents is a matter of concern for all of us. We should promote tolerance in society," he stated. The CM added that the PML-N had established a medical college in Gujranwala while a 405-bed teaching hospital would be made functional in the coming months.

"Work is in progress to link Gujranwala with the motorway," he said. The chief minister said the government had procured four million tons of wheat at Rs2,200 per maund, while Rs160 subsidy was being given on a 10kg flour bag. Good news about sugar and ghee would also be given.

He said price control committees had been made functional in the districts and he would also visit various areas. He said the real struggle was for overcoming unemployment and poverty.

A programme would be started to provide cancer medicines to patients free of charge, he announced. The chief minister said medicines would be provided to people at low price.

The CM claimed that he still enjoyed majority support in Punjab Assembly. It was proven earlier and would be proved again, he maintained. Every effort is being made to give relief to the masses despite difficulties, he said in reply to a question.

Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz visited the residence of the lynching victim and presented a Rs2.5 million cheque to the widow.

He issued directives for submission of the challan in court without delay as three of the suspects have been arrested. He added that the perpetrators of the crime would be given exemplary punishment.

The chief minister also visited Alam Chowk where he was briefed about the Gujranwala-Hafizabad road dualisation project valued at Rs9.75 billion. He was told that the project would be completed soon and the standard of the work would be ensured.

The height of the drain along the road will be re-examined in consultation with local parliamentarians.

Chief Minister Hamza also visited the Gujranwala Medical College and Teaching Hospital and called for early completion of the project started in 2015.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 3rd, 2022.


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