Arguing during honeymoon could spell marriage doom

22% couples who have arguments on honeymoon likely go on to do the same throughout their married life.

Ians August 20, 2011
Arguing during honeymoon could spell marriage doom

LONDON: Honeymooners who believe that indulging in verbal duels during their most romantic phase of married life is just another insignificant incident should think twice before starting off an argument.

Researchers have found honeymoon couples that argue are more likely to have a stormy marriage over the long term compared with newlyweds that get on well, Daily Mail reported.

Conducted by Ohio State University over a 20-year period, the study into marital strife found there was little change in the amount of conflict over time.

The study of almost 1,000 husbands and wives found little change in the rate of rows between them over the course of 20 years.

As the couples grow older together their rate of arguing is likely to stay the same, which will be reassuring for the 16 percent who fall out infrequently and the six out of 10 whose rows are rare, says the study.

For 22 per cent of couples who say they have arguments on their honeymoon, however, it is more likely that they will go on to do the same throughout their married life.


xyz | 12 years ago | Reply

haha.. This is soo damn true, my ex wife and I had multiple arguments on our honeymoon, having spent $7000, one would imagine a GREAT time, however, mine was just rocky from the point we landed in Bahamas. At one point, I heard her call her mom from there and complain as to why I chose Bahamas and that specific resort, which happens to be a 5* resort and funny thing is, she is the one who CHOSE THAT PLACE... lol.. We got separated 6 months into our marriage :) aaaah the bliss of going through a divorce proceeding here in Canada.. brutal judicial system..

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