Avengers: Infinity War actor Josh Brolin, most famously known for his role as the Mad Titan Thanos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe recently revealed that he was once rejected for the role of Batman. In a recent podcast appearance, the actor shared that he auditioned for the role of the Caped Crusader for director Zack Snyder, who instead opted to go with Ben Affleck for the part.
Describing his vision for the character, Brolin shared, “It would have been the older, the more raspy, for lack of a better word.” Explaining how the idea was “interesting” to him, he went on to share that he eventually lost out on the part. Emphasising how Snyder instead chose to take a different route with the superhero, choosing Affleck for the role, Brolin added, “That was his decision — that wasn’t my decision. That was his decision.”
On the possibility of bagging the role later on in his career, the actor added jokingly, “Honestly, that would have been a fun deal, and maybe I’ll do it when I’m 80.”
However, in a previous 2018 interview, the Deadpool 2 actor stressed that there was no bad blood and that things ended up working out for the best. He shared, “I’m really glad it didn’t happen... I haven’t thought twice about it.”
Brolin was most recently seen on screen in the sci-fi film Dune. Affleck, on the other hand, is set to reprise his cowl and cape for his outing as Batman in the upcoming DC film The Flash, which stars Ezra Miller as the titular hero.
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