CM Buzdar hails 14 polio-free months in province

All environmental samples in Punjab also found clear of virus

Our Correspondent March 01, 2022
A vaccinator administers the polio vaccine to a child in the Mahmoodabad area of Karachi on the first day of the week-long anti-polio drive that kicked off on Monday. Photo: Express


Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has that the fact that no polio case has been reported in the province during the past 14 months is a proof of the success of strenuous government efforts in this regard.

The chief minister inaugurated a five-day anti-polio campaign on Monday by administering the vaccine doses to children.

He said on the occasion that 22 million children would be administered polio vaccine by 150,000 workers who had not only been trained about anti-coronavirus standard operating procedures (SOPs) but also given personal protective equipment (PPE) for safety.

He expressed satisfaction of no polio case having been reported in the province during the past 14 months.

He said all environmental samples collected across Punjab had been reported free from poliovirus during the past seven months.

However, the chief minister stressed that continuous efforts were needed to make the country polio-free.

He termed the anti-polio workers as heroes who went door to door to ensure that no child was left unvaccinated.

Chief Minister Buzdar instructed the officials concerned to administer polio vaccine to children travelling to Punjab from other provinces and added that precautionary measures would be fully followed for the workers deployed for the campaign.

Provincial School Education Minister Murad Raas, Special Assistant Hasaan Khawar and Information Secretary Raja Jahangir Anwar also administered anti-polio drops to children on the occasion.

Two days during the campaign have been reserved for children under five years of age who remain deprived of the vaccine. Meanwhile, Chief Minister Buzdar has felicitated the nation on successful holding of the PSL and also thanked the foreign players for their participation.

In a statement, he appreciated the efforts of departments concerned, adding that cricket fans enjoyed the event in a peaceful and congenial atmosphere.

“This event has given a strong message to the world that Pakistan is a peaceful country and it is sanguine that the PSL 7 has fully rejuvenated the nation,” he added. He said the police had provided the best security for the event.

The viewers were provided the best possible facilities and the passion and discipline of the spectators was praiseworthy, he added.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 1st, 2022.


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