No plastic surgery for Hayek!

Salma Hayek believes that as women get older, they can get sexier.

Ians August 18, 2011
No plastic surgery for Hayek!

NEW YORK: Actress Salma Hayek says she is not in favour of plastic surgery and one should embrace the aging process naturally.

"I believe that every woman is entitled to fight to preserve her youth," Hayek told Allure magazine.

But just not through plastic surgery.

"It's like the uniform of a generation, And it's not necessarily beautiful. It's not wrinkled-looking, but it's not beautiful," she said. reports that the actress believes that as women get older, they can get sexier.

"As a woman, you should be more at ease with your sexuality when you are in your 40s. You are more self-assured about that part. And that's the way it should be," she said.

"If you are a girl who cannot walk in heels, it doesn't matter how beautiful you are. If you look like a chicken that's been spiked in the feet, it's not going to be sexy," she said.


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