All set to mark Miladun Nabi

Mosques, buildings, roads, lanes and homes adorned with lights

Aamir Khan October 18, 2021
Strings of bright lights illuminate a mosque in Karachi ahead of Eid Miladun Nabi, which will be observed on Friday (tomor-row). Several buildings across the city are similarly decorated in anticipation of the celebrations. PHOTO: ONLINE


The markets and lanes of many areas of the port city are resoanting with the Naat's recited in the love of Holy Prophet (PBUH) while people have decorated their neighbourhoods with buntings and decorative lights as a mark of devotion.

The birth of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) will be celebrated with great devotion and respect in Karachi on Rabiul Awal 12 falling on Tuesday, October 19. Preparations in this regard have reached their climax with city's main thoroughfares, places and areas decorated with green flags and light bulbs. Mosques have also been decorated beautifully. Naat Khawani, Mehfil-e-Milad, Qasida Burda Sharif, Khatam-e-Durood-e-Pak and Sirat-ul-Nabawi conferences are being organised across the city.

Hundreds of stalls have been set up in the city to sell green flags, badges, buntings, and other decorative items for the birthday celebrations of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) where children and adults can be seen shopping. The occasion has provided job opportunities to many people, boosting the economic activity. Reception camps are also being set up in the city by various organisations. Different areas, beautifully decorated, include Kharadar, Mithadar, Ranchor Line, Aram Bagh, Old City Area, Numaish, Liaquatabad, Federal B Area, Korangi, Landhi, Malir and others. In addition, various buildings, highways, intersections and mosques of the city have been illuminated with different colours and lamps.

Most of the lighting has been done in Gurumandir, Kharadar, Liaquatabad and other areas. Families take a round of these areas late in the night to see the lighting and decorative works. Hamza Ahmed, a youth selling decorative items in Kharadar, told The Express Tribune that there is a lot of excitement among the people regarding the celebration of Eid Miladun Nabi.

A large number of people are buying various items for decoration from the shops and stalls and the wholesale market. Compared to last year, the prices of these decorative items have increased by 20 to 25 per cent. "On the occasion, green flags are in greater demand. These flags of different sizes are being sold from Rs100 to Rs.1,500," he said. White and green suits for youth and children have also been introduced on the occasion of Eid Miladun Nabi. Nadeem Raza, who sells these clothes at the Light House, told The Express Tribune that these suits are for the children aged from one year to 15 years and the prices of these suits range from Rs100 to Rs800.

Also hats, hairbands, headbands, which cost between Rs30 and Rs300, are being sold. Beautiful and fancy badges have been introduced this year. Kaleem Usman, who sells badges at Gurumandir, told The Express Tribune that the badges are based on various designs including the Masjid-e-Nabawi (PBUH).

The cost of these badges ranges from Rs20 to Rs.2,000. Extremely beautiful lanterns and fancy light bulbs have been introduced to celebrate the Eid Miladun Nabi. Umair Farooqi, a shopkeeper selling fancy lights and frills in Liaqatabad, told The Express Tribune that small, medium and large frills of different colours are being sold for prices ranging from Rs30 to Rs150 per bulb. On Rabi-ul-Awal 12, extensive distribution of food and langar are held by the citizens. Munawwar Malik, who distributes charity food, told The Express Tribune that the distribution of langar is done at individual and at collective level.

In addition to this, Niaz is distributed in processions and birthday celebrations. Haji Hanif Tayyab, head of the Nizam-e-Mustafa party, told The Express Tribune that the main procession in Karachi on the occasion of Eid Miladun-Nabi was taken out about 150 years ago. This year the central procession would be taken out from Memon Masjid, Bolton Market. In addition to this, more than 200 processions, large and small, are taken out in different areas which join the main procession. The main gathering of the celebration of Eid Milad-unNabi is held in Nishtar Park.


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