‘Hand washing a must for healthy life’

PIMA to conduct hand washing training for students, teachers of religious seminaries

APP October 14, 2021


The Pakistan Islamic Medical Association (PIMA) would conduct hand washing training programmes for students and teachers of religious seminaries on Global Hand Washing Day to be observed on October 15 (tomorrow).

PIMA Central President Dr Khubaib Shahid said that hand hygiene is very important for a healthy life.

He added that Corona pandemic has made it even more important to keep hands clean, as keeping hands clean is an effective way to prevent the virus.

Dr Shahid said that PIMA workshops were aimed at educating people about the prevention of various diseases through hand hygiene practices.

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“Keeping hands clean can also protect against diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid and hepatitis-A”, he said.

He advised that people should make it a habit to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds and encourage the children to do the same as well, especially after using the toilet, before handling, preparing, serving or eating food, when the hands are visibly soiled and after coughing or sneezing into the hands.

The most commonly neglected areas missed in hand washing are the tips of the fingers, the palm of the hands and thumbs, which must be cleaned, he said urging people to wash hands thoroughly for at least 30 seconds.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 14th, 2021.


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