NA finishes off session in a jiffy

Deputy speaker could take up only two of 61 agenda items

Our Correspondent September 29, 2021


The quorum issue again marred the sitting of the National Assembly as the session of the lower house was adjourned for the seventh time within minutes of the start of proceedings.

The session, which was held under the chairmanship of NA deputy speaker Qasim Suri started an hour late and could only take up two out of 61 agenda items.

The opposition pointed towards the quorum for the seventh consecutive day due to which the proceedings of the House could not be completed.

The ongoing agenda on the public issues on the Private Members Day in NA had to be postponed owing to the lack of interest of the lawmakers.

As the deputy speaker addressed two points in the agenda, PML-N parliamentarian Zehra Wadood Fatemi pointed towards the quorum.

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Suri tried to ignore the PML-N legislator but PM’s Parliamentary Adviser Babar Awan stood up and maintained that the counting of heads was mandatory when the quorum is pointed out.

The deputy speaker adjourned the session till 4pm Wednesday (tomorrow).

Earlier, in response to a call attention notice, Parliamentary Secretary for Education Wajiha Ikram observed that the Higher Education Commission (HEC) had made special arrangements for O and A Level examinations.

PPP’ Shahida Rehmani asked what arrangements the government had made for the A Level students appearing in exams, adding that their classes had begun in the universities.

Wajiha said the HEC had directed the universities to arrange special classes for students who would be missing them due to the holding of examinations.

The House approved PPP lawmaker Naveed Qamar’s adjournment motion for argument on the rise in the prices of petroleum products.


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