‘Main Ne Pakistan Bante Dekha’ second edition launched

Professor Syed Mateen-ur-Rehman Murtaza recalls childhood migration memories

News Desk July 02, 2021


The University of Karachi launched the second edition of the book titled Main Ne Pakistan Bante Dekha on Thursday.

The book is based on Professor Syed Mateen-ur-Rehman Murtaza’s childhood migration memories. The late Mateen Murtaza was a renowned journalist and the former chairman of the University of Karachi’s department of mass communication.

In his book, Professor Mateen shared childhood memories of migration and mentioned the experiences after separating from his family. The speakers at the book launch informed the audience that the edition contained the hardships of Professor Mateen and the reason he fell in love with Pakistan.

On the occasion, Professor Dr Nasreen Aslam Shah announced that she would ensure that the book would be present at all seminar libraries.

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Professor Dr Tahir Masood said Professor Mateenur Rehman held many positions. “He was a teacher, journalist and a thinker too.

“There were intellectuals who could find solutions even in difficult and complex problems. He was a great man who had no desire for fame and position. He used to sit in the corner to complete his work.”

Professor Dr Nisar Zuberi said that Professor Mateenur Rehman wrote a lot in his short book. He urged the youth to read this book so that they could realise how difficult it was to migrate from their then homes to the newly established motherland.

The department’s faculty, students and Professor Mateen Murtaza’s family also attended the book launch.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 2nd, 2021.


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