Five RDA DGs replaced in 28 months

Hasty removal occurred when DGs acted against illegal housing schemes

Jamil Mirza May 20, 2021
Rawalpindi Development Authority. PHOTO: ONLINE


Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) has replaced five officials on the post of director general (DG) during the past 28 months, revealed a study conducted by The Express Tribune.

Most recently, the services of Capt (R) Abdul Sattar Issani, the fifth DG, were handed over to the establishment division.

Sources in well-informed circles said on condition of anonymity that the hasty removal of DGs from their posts usually occurred when they proceeded to enforce a crackdown policy against illegal housing schemes.

Capt (R) Issani, who was posted three months ago, was abruptly removed from his post on Tuesday and ordered to report to SGA&D. When he reported to the said department, he was instructed to report to the establishment division.

So far, no decision has been taken regarding the appointment of a new official on the vacant post.

Earlier, Chaudhry Maqbool Ahmed Dhawla was removed from the post after just two months in the post. The other DGs removed abruptly include Mrs Amara Khan after a year, Nadeem Ahmed Abro after six months, and Mohammad Hayat Lak who was removed after six months. Thus, in 28 months, the government has removed five DGs.

It is to be noted 292 illegal housing schemes exist in RDA-controlled areas while there are 54 legal housing schemes.

The agents of unauthorised projects have not only sold plots but also completed constructions in several illegal schemes. Further, the RDA-controlled area is rife with such illegal commercial constructions.

During the last three months, RDA intensified its crackdown on illegal housing schemes and demolished their site offices and entrances. Many of the unauthorised projects were also sealed.

Apart from registering cases against them, RDA wrote letters to government institutions not to install or allow the installation of electricity, water, gas, and telephone services in such schemes.

On leaving his post Capt (R) Issani said that he did his job with commitment, and he would continue to perform his duties in the same manner at whatever task he was assigned.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 20th, 2021.


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