Army top brass reviews LoC situation post India-Pakistan ceasefire

Top commanders express satisfaction over positive developments in Afghan peace process

News Desk April 08, 2021
Corps Commander Conference chaired by COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa held at GHQ. SCREENGRAB

The Pakistan Army top commanders reviewed the overall security situation and held detailed discussion on situation along the Line of Control (LoC) particularly after Pakistan and India last month agreed to observe a ceasefire along the de facto border.

“[The] CCC [Corps Commander Conference] chaired by #COAS held at GHQ [General Headquarters] today. The participants undertook a comprehensive review of global, regional & domestic security environment,” a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said on Thursday.

The military’s media wing said the forum expressed confidence in operational preparedness of the army displayed during recently held formation exercises.

“The forum held a detailed discussion on situation along the eastern border/LoC especially the environment post ceasefire understanding 2021 between the DGMOs [Director Generals of Military Operations,” it added.

The top brass also reaffirmed “complete solidarity” with the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) in their struggle for right to self-determination.

The ISPR said the commanders undertook a detailed review of security situation in newly-merged districts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P).

“The forum reiterated the importance of energising early induction of civil administration and other law enforcement agencies along with speedy implementation of development plan within these districts for their ultimate transition to civil administration in an earlier timeframe,” the statement read.

The participants of the meeting expressed satisfaction over positive developments in Afghan peace process and efforts made thus far. “The forum was also apprised about military engagements with friendly countries.”

It reviewed internal security situation including ongoing third wave of Covid-19 and reaffirmed resolve of armed forces to extend full support to civil administration in controlling the pandemic, the ISPR said.


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