CDA launches drive to cover drainage lines

Open manholes are dangerous for people, particularly children

Our Correspondent February 01, 2021


In a consistent effort to improve the infrastructure of the capital city and to ensure the safety of its citizens the administration of Capital Development Authority (CDA) has directed the concerned authorities to promptly install proper covers on drains, lids on manholes, gutter and sewerage lines across Islamabad.

Open manholes are dangerous for people particularly children and the public have been cautioned to be careful in this matter.

However, unfortunately, it is a sad fact that the civic body has been unable to carry out the task of covering these open sewerage lines for decades.

Time and again it has been witnessed that these open manholes have caused a number of accidents.

However, the current administration of CDA has taken a serious note of the problem and accordingly directed the relevant departments to cover all the open manholes in the city as soon as possible.\

Read More: CDA reclaims land in Shah Allah Ditta

The departments of environment, city sewerage, road and markets have been directed to cover open holes of all the departments including IESCO, SNGPL, PTCL, NTC and others without any discrimination.

The said departments will also be asked to undertake the responsibility of covering manholes in areas under their domain.

CDA’s department of services and engineering has started work on preparation of lids on a mega scale following directions.



Published in The Express Tribune, February 1st, 2021.


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