Hunters evade arrest after killing deer, fawn

A video went viral on social media on November 15

Our Correspondent November 26, 2020


A lone hog deer stumbled upon a village in Dadu district earlier this month. The villagers in turn stumbled upon its footprints and called a hunting party. Hog deer are typically found in the katcha areas of Dadu district and so, inviting guests from Ranipur, Khairpur district, the locals geared to track it down.

"The hunting party was arranged for Pirs," said a senior wildlife official, speaking to The Express Tribune. Such parties were being held without local officials taking any notice, he added.

However, a video went viral on social media on November 15, a day after the hunt, depicting scores of villagers cornering the deer and leading her to an influential person who shot her down. Cheering the hunter, the villagers cut open the slain deer and found that she was pregnant - and the fawn was also killed.

The video sparked outrage among social activists and wildlife conservationists demanding immediate action against those involved in the dual murder.

"We got information of the incident through social media," said Inspector Abdul Qayoom Channa of the SWD, who is also the investigating officer of the case. "We are trying our best to trace the culprits."

SWD's Dadu office had lodged a complaint of the incident against 10 unnamed persons. And on November 21, following directives of the Dadu district and sessions judge, the Dadu police also lodged an FIR against the hunters.

The same day, SWD officials and the police conducted at least two raids in villages but could not find a single person who had been nominated in the case.

"We were ordered by the court to nominate the real culprits," Channa told The Express Tribune. "With the help of the area people and the police, we included three more names in the case."

The names of Syed Ali Raza Shah and Pir Sakhi Saleh Shah, sons of a local Pir, were included in the case along with that of their helper, Abdul Wajid Chandio.

"It was not possible for us to nominate any person without sound evidence," Channa explained the lack of names in the initial complaint. "Their faces were not clear in the videos which went viral."

According to SWD's laws, the hunters may face a fine of Rs250,000 or a five-year jail term.

In the photos and videos available with The Express Tribune, dozens of villagers can be seen in lush green fields helping locate and corner the helpless animal, pushing it towards the spot where the shooter awaited. After the shot was fired, killing the deer, the men shouted praises and kissed the hands of the hunter.

"This is a high profile case and we will take action against persons involved in the killing," assured Channa, adding that there was pressure on his department. "But we are directed by the top management to carry out the investigation according to the law."

The next hearing of the case is fixed for December 2. "We are sure the men will be arrested before the hearing," Channa claimed, adding that raids were being conducted. "During recent raids we did not find even a single person in their villages apart from women."

Published in The Express Tribune, November 26th, 2020.


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