India’s false flag op to divert attention from IOJ&K genocide imminent: PM

Modi's Hindu supremacist govt committing war crimes in violation of 4th Geneva Convention, says Imran Khan

News Desk May 20, 2020
Hindu supremacist govt committing war crimes in violation of 4th Geneva Convention, says Imran Khan. PHOTO: AFP/FILE

Prime Minister Imran Khan has once again expressed serious concerns over Indian government’s intention to launch a false flag operation against Pakistan in a bid to divert the world’s attention from genocide it’s committing in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K).

“I am reiterating again that a false flag operation is imminent from India in order to divert world attention away from its ongoing genocide in IOJ&K,” he wrote on his official Twitter handle late on Wednesday.

The premier also mentioned 15 homes that were torched by Indian occupation forces in Srinagar yesterday as 90,000 security forces subject innocent Kashmiris to brutal oppression.

“Modi's Hindutva Supremacist Occupation Government is committing war crimes in IOJ&K including changing the demography in violation of 4th Geneva Convention,” he maintained.

PM Imran also shared photos of the barbaric incident in Srinagar.

The statement comes a day after Islamabad strongly condemned and completely rejected new rules announced by the Indian authorities, paving way for non-Kashmiris to seek permanent settlement in the disputed Jammu and Kashmir region.

Pakistan rejects India's new Kashmir domicile law

The move is part Indian government’s August 5 decision to illegally annex Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, a longstanding dispute between Islamabad and New Delhi, said the Foreign Office spokesperson Aisha Farooqui in a statement on Thursday.

On Monday, the Indian authorities notified new rules that now permit those who have lived in IOJ&K for 15 years, or studied there for seven years, or appeared in class 10th or 12th examinations, can now apply for the domicile, a mandatory condition for seeking jobs in the disputed territory.

Before the abrogation of Article 370 and now notification of new domicile rules, no outsider could either apply for permanent residency or government jobs.

PM Imran says Modi's RSS-inspired doctrine in IOJ&K quite clear

On Sunday, PM Imran had also slammed the Indian atrocities in the occupied valley while hitting out at his Indian counterpart stating that his RSS-inspired doctrine regarding Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IOJ&K) was quite clear.

In a tweet, he stated that the first step in Modi’s doctrine was to deprive the people of Kashmir of their right to self-determination by illegally annexing their land to the state of India.

Second, he said, was treating them as less than human by a three-pronged approach that included, “one, trying to crush them with brute force incl[uding] using inhumane weapons like pellet guns against women & children; two, imposing an inhumane lockdown depriving Kashmiris of basic necessities from food to medicines; & three, by mass arrests of Kashmiris esp youth & isolating IOJK from the world by cutting off all communication links.”

The premier stated that the third part of his doctrine was to taint the Kashmiris’ right to struggle for self determination, which was guaranteed in the UNSC Resolutions, as terrorism being abetted by Pakistan.


Honor Killing of pakistani girls?! | 4 years ago | Reply Not a word by imran khan or pakistani media on the brutal honor killing of two pakistani girls! Just checked all pakistani news websites - it is as if the honor killing never took place in pakistan! Disgusting and shameful -- pakistan loves to lecture everyone else on morality and culture, when its own culture is full of hate and absolutely no morality whatsoever!
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