31 more recover as virus tally hits 202

Province witnesses an addition of six new cases

Mohammad Zafar April 07, 2020
A file photo of Jam Kamal Khan.

QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Aliyani on Monday confirmed that 31 more patients had recovered from coronavirus in Balochistan as the provincial tally reached 202.

He stated that these patients completed their quarantine period and were tested negative before being sent to their respective homes, bringing the provincial tally of recovered cases to 63.

The province witnessed an addition of six new cases on April 6. “Six people returned positive out of the 126 test results received yesterday whereas 120 were negative,” the CM said. “All are locally transmitted cases and have been shifted to the hospital.”

It is pertinent to note that more than 50 cases of coronavirus infections in Balochistan are locally transmitted cases with a major chunk belonging to Quetta. Due to the prevailing crisis, the Pak-Iran border remained closed for the 46th consecutive day while the Pak-Afghan border in Chaman was reopened temporarily after remaining closed for 35 days.

Locally transmitted cases in Balochistan are creeping up. A report released earlier stated that, at least 44 locally transmitted cases were reported in the province during the last 7 days. Balochistan government spokesperson Shahwani had stated that 150 suspected patients undergo tests in the province daily and they would be able to improve the capacity to 800 within the next few days.

The newly emerged cases forced the closure of Health Directorate of DG Health’s office whereas all the employees of the department were ordered to be tested. It is important to note that the health directorate employees had been working without any protective kits.

The provincial Director General of Health has constituted a committee for collecting test samples of employees working in isolation wards and quarantine centers.

According to sources in the health department, all the employees are being tested now after the initial diagnosis of coronavirus cases within the department. Those who have tested positive have been shifted to Shaikh Zayed Hospital in Quetta.

The provincial government also initiated distribution of ration in different areas. According to official stats, so far ration has been distributed among 21,383 families. Besides, NGOs have distributed ration among 5,814 families while MNAs and political figures also handed ration to 7,756 families.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 7th, 2020.


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