Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist who killed more than 90 people in two attacks in Oslo, was mortally terrified of the idea of several ‘mini Pakistans’ appearing all over the map of Europe.
In a 1,600-page manifesto titled ‘2083: A European Declaration of Independence’, Breivik laid out a stark picture of the future of Europe, citing poor human rights in Pakistan as the fate of the continent. Norwegian authorities confirmed on Sunday that the manifesto was written by Breivik.
In his doomsday scenario for Europe, Breivik predicts that several ‘mini-Pakistans’ would be created all over Europe by 2083, one in each country due to ‘Lebanon-style’ conflicts. “It could be similar to the division of India after World War II, with the creation of one or several Islamic ‘Pakistan’ enclaves,” he says.
While Breivik’s rhetoric against Muslim immigration into Europe is not unusual, he cites many names that might be familiar to Pakistanis, including Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, as well as prominent human rights activist Hina Jilani and Dawn columnist Irfan Hussain.
He seems to believe that Iqbal, in particular, was sympathetic to communism and views multiculturalism as a Marxist concept. He quotes Iqbal as saying “Islam equals communism plus Allah.”
Breivik also claims that Pakistan is systematically annihilating all non-Muslim communities. He claimed that Hindu girls are being forced to convert to Islam in Sindh. In this context he even quotes Hina Jilani as saying: “Have you ever heard of an Indian Muslim girl being forced to embrace Hinduism? It’s Muslims winning by intimidation.”
He goes on to describe the situation for Christians in Pakistan as being no better, citing Father Emmanuel Asi of the Theological Institute for Laity in Lahore as saying in 2007 that Pakistani Christians are frequently denied equal rights.
Jamaat-e-Islami founder Abul Ala Maududi is also quoted in the manifesto, though in a manner that would imply that the stated objective of an Islamic state is to kill or subdue all non-Muslims around the world.
Breivik seems to be a fan of Daily Times columnist Razi Azmi, whom he calls “one of the more sensible columnists of Pakistan”. He mentions one of Azmi’s pieces where the columnist asks whether it was possible to imagine a Muslim converting to Christianity or Hinduism or Buddhism in a Muslim country, using it to support his view of Islam as an intolerant religion.
He also cites Dawn’s Irfan Hussain’s column criticising Hizb u-Tahrir’s vision of a caliphate.
His ire against Pakistanis and Muslims seems to have at least partial origin in personal experience. He speaks at length about his childhood best friend, a Pakistani Muslim immigrant to Norway who, despite having lived several years in Europe still appeared to resent Norway and Norwegian society. “Not because he was jealous… but because it represented the exact opposite of Islamic ways,” Breivik conjectures.
The inability of Muslim immigrants to assimilate into European society seems to bother him, which he blames on Muslim parents not allowing their children to adopt European ways. He also asks why Muslim girls are considered ‘off-limits’ to everyone, including Muslim boys, and why Muslim men view ethnic Norwegian women as ‘whores’.
He also seems to believe that the Muslims in Europe who collect government benefits view it as a form of jizya, a medieval Islamic tax charged on non-Muslim minorities.
He rails against multiculturalism, which he blames for making immigration too easy for Muslims in Europe. “When the veil of multiculturalism disappears, it will be Pakistanis who live in London, Turks who live in Berlin, Algerians who live in Paris and Moroccans who live in Amsterdam. And then the show begins,” he says.
That show, he says, is a dramatic demographic shift that he calls the ‘Pakistanisation of Europe’.
Published in The Express Tribune, July 25th, 2011.
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Isn't killing their own and blaming Muslim's an overplayed game or is it that now everyone is having a go at it? Are Muslims the new Nazi of this era?
We surely have become hated throughout. Another hint towards the final world war people read some Quran and Hadith and educate yourselves, Bunch of confused identity cases. Stop trying to hide behind PAKISTAN and harness your true identity and that's being a Muslim PERIOD! The whole world considers you MUSLIM NOT PAKISTANI !!!
Is it a record? 227 posts so far.Thoroughly enjoying both the informed debate and the jingoistic rants.
As a Christian fundamentalist , his thinking and observation is right, he don't want any more Pakistan in the world. where the land claims it as Islamic State , and then every wrong become un lawful from killings, corruption, bertayel , the way the politicians fight at Parliament, eevery one ont want to convert their land that way, but the reality is there is nothing Islamic in Pakistan except the name...
This guy's action based on irrational fear and hallucination was unwarranted for. There is no justification whatsoever to kill innocents replicating the dastardly act of Islamic terrorists he so despises.
But there is a global agreement among non-muslims with the views that he is propagating.
The extensive media coverage to Taliban, Al-Qaeda and innumerable fringe groups of terrorism have made terrorism, fantaism, barbarism synonymous with Islam.
There is an urgent and immediate need to remove this perception to embark on a concerted widespread media effort on conveying there is an humane and all-inclusive facet to Islamism which has roots in loving fellow human beings.
Pakistan is in an unique position to showcase itself as a nation of modern tolerant and progressive muslims not the hardline medieval Islam being represented by the terrorist groups. I am sure Pakistan (despite animosity in India-thank the one-sided version of history in history books of both countries) will emerge to be a goodwill ambassador of Islam globally in the year to come and not a harbinger of "Pakistanization of Europe"
just a small question? how did the Norwegian Terrorist learn to make a remote controlled bomb all by himself? was the information available on the dark web? or somebody taught him?
Oh blast it! i mean another Pakistan connection? You know what, i believe that what he thinks should really really come to fruition after all. Its a mad bad world out there isn't it? National interest is the main priority isnt it ? Ok, so if terrorism is used for creating 'mini pakistans' across Europe then I Jamal will proudly support it. The westerners are just asking for it. i live in Karachi and have never heard of a single christian being intimidated or converted, same goes for the hindus and other communities. Infact quite the opposite happens, we are such tolerant towards other communities that instead of intimidating them we intimidate and fight amongst ourselves , haha, sunni killing shia and shia killing sunni.
I wish Breivik escapes jail and goes on another rampage. it will serve Europe right to experience what we Pakistanis have done for all these years, and for whom?...The WHITE Man's global interest.
Clash of Civilizations happening? I am pretty Sure!
@ahsan: "Why shouldn’t we call him a Christian Extremist?"
Simple! He did not shout "Jesus be praised" when killing those people, neither did he believe his God ordered him to kill them.
@Frank @ Hammad @ Iftikhar-ul-Hassan and @ Leon
It was interesting to read your comments about the Pakistani Liberals where you are accusing them of defaming Pakistan and Islam. The liberals are writing about the bad things happening in Pakistan or writing about the violence being done by militant Talibans and they are writing to raise awareness about these issues. Their writing about these issues does not mean they are defaming Pakistan or Islam. I wish that you guys can understand that remaining in denial or Ostrich mode does not solve the problems.
I wish you can understand and also help by raising awareness about these issues instead of behaving as apologists for the militants and violent groups like LeT, Sipah-e-saheba etc. Its actually these militants who are giving a bad name to Pakistan and Islam. And on top you add the inaction of a majority of our people who in their hearts support these militants because they consider them a lesser evil fighting a bigger evil USA.
I wish you can understand this and stop falsely accusing the Liberals who are actually trying to raise awareness by talking about the hatred and intolerance prevailing in our society and talking about these militants for whom our people have soft corners.
Dear All,
Anders Behring Breivik is a "Terrorist"
Lets clearly announce a Terrorist Act as a manifestation of Terrorism regardless of Religion, Country or affiliation.
No justification could be provided for the killing that has been carried out.
@antony: what connection did you found? i found none?
he simply mention what is the concept of nearly every fundamentalist european on pakistan or afghnistan and other muslim states.. Europe's Homegrown Terrorists
Has this guy not been declared 'insane' by his own lawyer? Why shud I waste my breath over his pessimism..!!
I have a feeling that in a few days a report will be published that his childhood Pakistani friend provoked him to do so ... ! Huh
if by pakistanisation he means hours of load shedding, i would be afraid too
@ Riaz
you remind me of GW Bush, who could never see the reality written on the wall. Just writing useless comments linking hunduism and terror shows your shallowness in character. Hinduism is a peaceful religion. There never was instances of Hindus organise killings based on religious grounds, unlike Christian and Islamic histories shows. I am sure, we will not do it future too. Hinduism does not even encourage conversions. We like to be left alone in peace.
I dont think killing so many innocent people can condone his fear of multiculturism.
@ashok sai: Ashok; it is unfortunate that you see it through your short sighted glasses!
@amer nadeem advocate: Why? Is it a phenomenon? Do you see atttitudes among people supporting such behavior? The problem is with Pakistanis settling in countries of whose culture and people they have no respect of.
@anand singh: Purpose was to caution everyone by making an impact. Politicians get elected by people and it's time people changed their thinking and forced policies.
@Riaz Haq:
While there may be some parallels, it is erroneous to draw complete equivalence between Western anti-minority right-wing movement and Hindu nationalism. I am not an adherent of any right or left wings, western or Indian, but I would point out that Hindu nationalists want to emphasize ancient Indic culture as the identity of India as opposed to Arab, Persian or Afghan cultures. Here, the term cultural identity does not reject practice of any particular religion.
Lately, more and more of, even, Pakistani intellectuals are coming around to the view that Pakistan's national identity and culture should be taken back to its Indian/Indic roots and salvaged from sixty years of Arabization of Pakistani society. It seems to me that that is exactly the same as the main axiom of Hindu right-wing ideology. As long as the minorities have rights to practice their religion, separating religion from cultural roots is not a wrong notion. After all, Indian or Pakistani culture did not start in 700 AD with the invasion of Bin Qasim. It is sad that Pakistanis and many South Asian Muslims have been brainwashed to reject their 5000 year old history and adapt the backward desert culture of the invaders.
@Riaz Haq: :: You sir, are intellectually dishonest. I suggest you stop looking at the world from the point of Muslim victim-hood; instead you should contemplate on instances where Muslims have been perpetrators of grievous crimes.
The articles on your blog reflect the thought patterns of a people who have been out-witted and out-maneuvered by others (Hindus, Jews, take your pick) consistently.
It's ironic but true that Hindu Nationalists draw inspiration from both Nazis and Israel in their anti-Muslim rhetoric and actions.
The Hindu Nationalist attitudes reflect a combination of deep animosity toward minorities as demonstrated by Hitler, and a desire to emulate Israelis in dealing with Muslims in and around India. No matter how one looks at it, these growing trends in India constitute a grave threat to peace in South Asia and the Middle East regions.
"Tolerance was fine when Europe was mostly white and Christian. But then Europe brought in guest workers and accepted former colonial subjects and provided safe havens for refugees. And the right wing suddenly didn't like how different Europe began to look and how uppity the newcomers were getting. They blamed the immigrants, to be sure, but also the gatekeepers who let them in." Norway: The Enemy Within
@Dinesh Chetti:
You are personally guilty of what you are accusing Pakistanis of: Diverting attention from the fact that Breivik drew inspiration of the Hindu Nationalists' rhetoric in India.
"It is essential that the European and Indian resistance movements learn from each other and cooperate as much as possible. Our goals are more or less identical," Breivick wrote in his manifesto. The Christian Science Monitor has reported that "in the case of India, there is significant overlap between Breivik’s rhetoric and strains of Hindu nationalism – or Hindutva – on the question of coexistence with Muslims. Human rights monitors have long decried such rhetoric in India for creating a milieu for communal violence, and the Norway incidents are prompting calls here to confront the issue."
Hindu nationalists in India have a long history of admiration for Adolf Hitler, and his "Final Solution". In his book "We" (1939), Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar, the leader of the Hindu Nationalist RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) wrote, "To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic races -- the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindusthan to learn and profit by." (We, p.35/p.43)
When the news came out that a native Norwegian was the killer, I thought, ha, this is the first time that Pakistanis or Muslims were not involved in a global terror act. Now, after reading about his manifesto here on this article, it seems that what has been happening in Pakistan is indirectly "involved" in this dastardly act since this deranged man's thoughts seems to have been driven by global Islamist terror and in particular Pakistan's radicalism.
We have been witnessing global Islamist terror for the past three decades. The only surprise is that there hasn't been more anti-Islamist right-wing radical reaction until now. It was bound to happen. We will see more and more anti-Muslim reaction in Western countries until the Muslim countries stop supporting Islamist radicals and preaching bigotry against non-Muslims and get control of the radical Islamists among their midst.
@Ahmad: Indians r more than Pakistani like you
Pakistani are suffering the American war.America only want to capture world minrals resources. and every blame fall on Pakistan.We r Muslims, not terrorist.we r peaceful people.We proud to be PAKISTANI.
@J Khan: Agree with you brother, but I know our fellow men back in Pakistan would not agree.
Interestingly, the contentment and the smile caught by the camera on the terrorist's face while sitting in the police van dangerously and closely resembled the smile and contentment on the face of the Pakistani terrorist Qadri who killed Salman Taseer.
@Riaz, 2000 muslims burnt ? where did you get that infor ? Zahid hamid ? ..Get us a proof..There were massive riots and many muslims were killed I agree. Atrocious I agree and every sane indian (christian or hindu) will agree and feel its wrong..But on the other hand unneccessary provocation of burning a train full of hindu priests unleashed the hindu mobs in gujarat ..Riots always are like pressure cooker letting off steam .Generally its perceived that one strong warning is required to Muslim miscreants so that they dare not do such train burning incidents and that backlash is atrocious but necessary as per general right wing indians ( it includes christians as well) . But Muslims miscreants started attacking the general public through bombs in trains ,stations,bazaars ..As a christian I would feel If you respect Hindu tradition and their beliefs they are the most tolerant society you can find. Some Christian sects do abuse Hindus openly by calling them evil as Idol worshippers not really understanding the deeper meaning and spiritualism behind it. I challenge them whenever I can .Dont immediately compare with US or UK where they fought ,killed and became civilised after many centuries and now very tolerant and are first world democracies. India is fast moving and basically has strong fundamentals of tolerance and secularism in built as a nation. Militaries dont tie up with Religious forces and give AK47s etc .Oh dont quote purohit Colonel .He is in jail and banished from civil life.. My cousin brothers are Sukhoi MK30 fighters and know army is full of people of all religions(Sikhs,Hindus,Christians etc) who are patriotic to India .Why I am writing all these is just so that your opinion does not fuel another suicide bomber our way .
@Nasir Mohammad: "I had attended a Friday khutba at a mosque in Oslo and had been shocked by the level of political vitriol which the Urdu-speaking cleric at the mosque was hurling at the West. Several threats had been made against Norway by Muslim fanatics"-Saleem H Ali ( That explains all.
yes it is true.. As a pakistani, i feel ashamed. In Canada and In Norway, may pakistani couples give birth to more kids (5 or more) just to get the Child Tax Benefit. this way, they are wasting other peoples tax money. And moreover they will send 3 of their five kids to Pakistan to learn Islam. So they are claiming 5 kids benefits but only 2 or 1 live here.
this is our culture.
Well this somehow a truth. If you see influx of Pakistanis in UK, Spain Italy, Greece and France, its a larger number and I'm sorry to say Pakistani's will remain Pakistani's, they don't care about cleanliness, try to break every single law & are supreme racist.
I'm sorry if this offends you but this is true and admit it (this I guess implies to 70% of Pakistani's).
@hassan: It will be the most well read and well quoted. All Islamic terrorism will be seen in the light of his writing.
Pakistan no need to create a bomb and drop it on some country (especially hindus in india..they dont think muslim are there in india except Sharurukh khan and Kahan Kandana of bollywood)...its manufacturing units of terrorism and its inspiration is enough to destroy the world...lets hope it change it mindsets and close it jihadi facories or needs to neutralize their education curriculum if not secularize manufacture at least human beings.
@sumeet: look at who is talking about integration .. ever went to any little idia or south hall in london ? If this is called integration whole world is integrated then :-)
@Riaz Haq:
Sometimes Pakistanis call Indians lovers of Jews. Other times admirer of Hitler! LOL ! Please have some consistency at least in your conspiracy theories
this news story isn't mentioned anywhere in the international media. All the indians were quiet since the attacks and once a story mentioning the name of Pakistan is surfaced, they immediately swarmed the story with the comments full of hatred for pakistan. It seems they don't have a life of their own and are completely obsessed with the pakistan's called world wide web. It's accessible by everyone, unless it's regulated. Tribune is not.
As long as someone is on the net, I have all the right to be check him out. Even if you are on the net, tomorrow, I can do whatever I want with virtual you.
Also, I have been repeating this to hundreds of Pakistanis. I will stop visiting pakistani news papers, the day, Pakistan stops sending terrorists to kill innocent Indians.
To answer your second question, NO, we don't have a decent INDIA based, PAKISTANI publication.
@Y Khan, who says "Indians should look at their treatment of muslim minorities before they rant their typical hateful anti islam and anti Pakistani rants here. We have not forgotten Gujrat where 2000 innocent muslims were burned ALIVE!"
Wow! Did you even know that the entire Gujarath massacre happened as a result of Muslims burning down a train containing Kar Sevaks, killing about 60 of them?
Of course you wouldn't know. Throughout history, Muslims have persecuted Hindus and even christians in India (case in point : Tipu Sultan, who killed about 90,000 Christians from kerala). Most violence against Muslims are instigated by Muslims.
Now, imagine a group of Hindus burning a train containing mainly Muslim pilgrims, let's say, in Karachi. I can tell you the result now, the population of Hindus in Pakistan would be reduced to 0. Absolutely ZERO.
Stop putting sick minded people's theories on Pakistan. Now that he's not pakistani still pakistan is dragged in this sick act of this pathetic insane human
@narayana murthy: If Tribune is not an Indian newspaper then what Indians are doing here? don't they have decent publications in their own country?
don't expect anything from other Muslim-states like Kuwait, Iran, UAE or Saudia Arabia. Our country and our values are endangered not because of Americans, Britishers or Indians but it is our so-called Muslims brothers who are most vicious to us. I realized this when I came to Germany.
AH! low for us Pakistanis. How we hit the bottom yet?
@Riaz Haq: I have been reading your postings dude. You are saying nothing from fact but just from pure hatred. It is the attitude of people like you that our innocent people are despised all over the world. If some on reads your posting they start believing that whole of Pakistan is of the utter extremist and rubbish view as yours. The article is about the Norweigien guy and you spared no chance to blame Hindus. Its sick. People die anywhere in world and you would somehow find reason to blame hindu. Now this proves how much backward we are that we have no shame in publishing utter lies and severe chronic paranoia just to prove our point. I feel disgusted to have a fellow countrymen like you.
@Riaz Haq: " ... It is essential that the European and Indian resistance movements learn from each other and cooperate as much as possible. ... "
I think a lot of people are beginning to realize that there was a cultural genocide perpetrated on the Hindu civilization by Muslims.