Intelligence warning: Hizb ut-Tahrir planned ‘Arab spring’ in Pakistan

Classified report says the radical group sought to recruit ‘like-minded’ military officers to its cause.

Zia Khan/irfan Ghauri July 25, 2011
Intelligence warning: Hizb ut-Tahrir planned ‘Arab spring’ in Pakistan


Several weeks before the military detained a group of senior officers for alleged links with the radical group Hizb ut-Tahrir earlier this year, the country’s intelligence agencies warned that the banned organisation was planning an Egypt-style uprising in Pakistan by seeking support from ‘like-minded’ elements within the armed forces.

In a correspondence among the Punjab police, the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and the government in April this year, made available to The Express Tribune, there was a clear warning of the outfit attempting a ‘deep infiltration’ of the military and academia.

Wary of its burgeoning network and in what appeared to be an early warning of the group’s growing influence, the Crime Investigation Department (CID) of the police called for taking ‘appropriate’ steps to control the group that calls for establishing a caliphate in Pakistan by overthrowing the government.

“All were forewarned about what was coming,” an official told The Express Tribune on Sunday about the letter.

Officials said the arrest of Brigadier Ali Khan and four hitherto unknown majors in May came after months of such correspondence between various law-enforcement and intelligence agencies, hinting at ‘suspicious’ activities of Hizb ut-Tahrir activists and their possible collaboration with military personnel, particularly in Punjab.

The brigadier and majors are still in the military’s custody and might face a court martial for ‘inciting fellow officers for a mutiny’.

The crucial letter urged law-enforcement officials to take ‘preventive or pre-emptive measures’ to avert any untoward incident and make efforts to “identify and apprehend the miscreants before they succeed in their nefarious designs.”

According to the document, Hizb ut-Tahrir was working on a plan to seek an uprising in Pakistan similar to ones in Tunisia and Egypt earlier this year. “They wanted an Arab spring in Pakistan,” said an official familiar with the letter.

Hizb ut-Tahrir had regularly been distributing pamphlets and leaflets in middle and upper-middle class residential areas of large cities. This  activity gained momentum after the successful uprising in Tunisia.

In its pamphlets, Hizb ut-Tahrir specifically addressed the armed forces, urging military personnel and the general public, especially the youth, to make a concerted effort to get rid of the government, citing the example of Tunisia.

The pamphlets also sought to utilise the public’s anti-American sentiments, inciting them against what it called the ‘pro-American’ generals who they said had engaged a ‘Muslim’ army in a war with their fellow brothers in the tribal areas at the behest of the United States.

Intelligence agencies warned that Hizbut Tahrir was trying to mobilise public opinion in favour of establishing a caliphate in Pakistan by overthrowing the government. As a first step towards their proposed revolution, they want to have an Arab-style uprising which would have the support of the armed forces.

If the organisation could not get generals to support its plans at the institutional level, it would seek officers who were supportive of its ideology to carry out its mission in an individual capacity.

After the arrest of serving army officers for their alleged links with Hizb ut-Tahrir, the government also detained some office bearers of the banned group.

Hizb ut-Tahrir has launched a campaign for their release, with posters seen on walls in different parts of Islamabad, condemning the arrests.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 25th,  2011.


Abd'Allah | 13 years ago | Reply

6.The check and balances are very inmportant, In Khilafah system, no man is above the law or accounting, even if one is a ruler or judge. The Qadi Muzalim of the Court of Unjust Acts can hear cases against all rulers for any policy they implement. The decision of Khaleefah removal is only in the hand of ‘Mahkamat ul-Madhalim’, for it is the one that decides whether the Khaleefah has lost any of the contracting conditions or not. This is because any matter for which the Khaleefah has to be removed, or for which his removal becomes necessary, is known as a ‘Mathlima’ (an act of injustice) and it should be removed. The matter, however, should be investigated and evidence provided as the ‘Mathlima’ must be proved before a judge. Since the court of unjust acts (mahkamat ul-madhalim) is the body which rules over any complaints (mudhalim) received, and its judge is the person entitled to prove its occurrence and to decide upon it. Therefore, mahkamat ul-mazalim is the body that decides whether or not the Khaleefah lost the contracting conditions, and it is the one decides the removal of the Khaleefah. However, if such a situation did arise and, as a result, the Khaleefah stepped down, this would be the end of the matter. If, however, the Muslims thought that he should be removed and the Khaleefah disputed with them, the matter would be referred to the judiciary to be settled. Also, Khaleefah can’t dismiss Qadi Muzalim while a case is opened in his court against Khileefah.

Abd'Allah | 13 years ago | Reply

8.Does Pakistan really need foreign aid or can it withhold restrictions, the only thing Pakistan need is the independence from west and its puppets. It has abundant energy resources. The estimated value of the Thar Coal deposits are 25 trillion dollars, 420 times the value of all foreign loans, gas reserve at Sui estimated to be 250 trillion cubic feet, 74 million ton of aluminum, 500 million ton of copper, 46 million ton of Zinc, 600 million ton of Iron, 350 million ton of gypsum, 22 million ton of Phosphate, dozens of ton of silver, precious stones and building stone. Reko Dik gold mines are included in the world largest gold mines and the estimated worth of the gold is increasing rapidly, in all its blocks is 500 to 3000 billion dollars. The wheat production is 24 MT, is more than that of the entire Africa, which stands at 20MT and equals that of South America. Despite so many resources bestowed by Allah (swt) - more than that which some of the major world powers possess – the capitalist system has turned us into a nation of beggars. These facts and figures are enough to prove that not only do we have enough resources; rather, we have the full potential to sustain another country of our size and even more. It is obvious that we are neither dependent on any other country nor at the mercy of the coffers of others. However, our rulers want to show the public that we are dependent on west and therefore we have no choice to implement IMF policies and wage war against our own people.

Regarding Media, media means do not require any permission for work. Rather, every citizen in the Islamic State is allowed to set up any media means, whether readable, audible or visible. He/She only needs to inform the information department about the media means he established. In all cases, the owner of the media means is responsible about any information he/she publishes, and he/she will be accounted for any violation to the shar' like any other citizen.

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