Balochistan govt faces opposition’s fury

Opposition leader slams provincial rulers’ below par performance

Mohammad Zafar February 29, 2020
Balochistan Assembly. PHOTO: ONLINE/FILE

QUETTA: The joint opposition on Friday accused the Balochistan government of evading questions of public importance including inflation, unemployment and corruption during a sit-in outside the provincial Chief Minister Secretariat.

Talking to journalists, opposition members slammed the government for what they called its “below par performance”. They recalled that the CM House was accessible to the public in the past and ‘Khuli Kachehris’ were a regular feature to address public complaints.

“The government of Balochistan has put in place no mechanism of addressing public complaints. Besides, the government evades opposition’s questions raised to address issues of the public,” said leader of the opposition in the Balochistan Assembly Malik Sikandar Khan.

Opposition lawmakers and party workers led by Khan marched through the streets of the provincial capital, where he was accompanied by Balochistan National Party-Mengal (BNP-M) lawmakers Naseer Shahwani, Sanaullah Baloch, Shakeela Naveed Dehwar and Ahmed Nawaz Baloch. Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) lawmaker Haji Nawaz Kakar and other opposition figures were also present during the demonstration.

“The law and order situation has worsened in the province with rising inflation, unemployment and corruption adding to the people’s woes,” said Khan.

He claimed that development schemes worth Rs30 billion were allotted to non-elected members.

The opposition leader stressed that the distribution of funds among non-elected members fostered corruption in the province, which was already groaning under the weight of poverty and lack of amenities.

“We are concerned about issues of the public and have been raising them at all forums including Balochistan Assembly but the government has turned a deaf ear to the problems. Meanwhile, the government’s performance is unsatisfactory,” said the opposition leader.

He announced holding a public march against the provincial government on March 19.

Khan also said that the health infrastructure in the province was crumbling whose ministry portfolio was directly held by the chief minister.

“Health ministry did not take any step against counterfeit medicines worth Rs227 million.”

Complaining about the government’s attitude, Khan said that the opposition had announced the sit-in but the government didn’t make any effort to engage the lawmakers in discussions.

On Thursday, Balochistan Assembly Speaker Mir Abdul Qudus Bizenjo adjourned the assembly’s proceedings for indefinite period following lack of quorum pointed out by treasury and opposition members.

The opposition again accused the incumbent government of corruption during the proceedings.

Provincial Minister Sardar Abdul Rehman Kethran said the opposition members were distracting people of Balochistan through false allegations and unnecessary point-scoring.

“Opposition members should present evidence of corruption before the house. I would resign if a single allegation is proven against sitting ministers,” Kethran announced.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 29th, 2020.


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