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  • Flood-proof houses

    Need for innovative solutions to protect vulnerable communities has become more pressing than ever

  • Crumbling labour market

    With an estimated 5.6 million individuals expected to be unemployed in 2023, Pakistan is facing a crisis

  • Rule of law

    Hunter and his allies claim the reopening of the cases is politically motivated because the judge is a Trump appointee

  • Petrol fire

    Is there any subsidy or remedy from this spiraling equation?

  • Curtains for Greenshirts

    There is need to spread out the dissecting table, identify the weaknesses and come up with remedial measures

  • Back in the dock

    Decision will go a long way in reorienting the accountability arm

  • Minority visibility

    Kurram, one of the most conservative areas, is now home to one of the country’s handful of female-led police stations

  • Interruptions in polio programme

    Time and again, international healthcare agencies have warned Pakistan to avoid complacency and negligence

  • Diplomatic triumph

    Taliban dispensation in Kabul got a shot in the arm as the Chinese ‘ambassador’ presented his credentials

  • Protesting abductions

    Protest was for justice for abducted individuals in interior Sindh as well as a plea for recognition, equality