Israel won't let Iran get nuclear weaponry: Netanyahu

After Tehran announced it was scaling back some of its commitments under a 2015 nuclear deal

AFP / Reuters May 08, 2019
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated that Israel will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weaponry in a speech marking Israel's Memorial Day. PHOTO: REUTERS

JERUSALEM: Israel will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weaponry, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday, reiterating a long-held Israeli position after Tehran announced it was scaling back some of its commitments under a 2015 nuclear deal.

“This morning, on my way here, I heard that Iran intends to pursue its nuclear program,” Netanyahu said in a speech marking Israel’s Memorial Day. “We will not allow Iran to achieve nuclear weaponry. We will continue to fight those who would kill us.”

'Iran to suspend some nuclear deal commitments'

Iran’s Wednesday announcement that it would stop respecting limits on its nuclear activities is part of a package of measures in response to sweeping unilateral sanctions reimposed by Washington in the 12 months since it quit the agreement.

The renewed sanctions have had a severe effect on the Iranian economy.

Tehran has warned that if the five other parties to the agreement – China, Britain, France, Germany and Russia – failed to deliver on their commitments within 60 days to help Iran benefit from the deal despite the US sanctions, it would suspend other key limits set by the deal.


Bunny Rabbit | 5 years ago | Reply Who permitted only Uncle Sam and its best friend Israel to stock up nuclear pile ?
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