“Maryam Nawaz is staging a regular drama which is shameful,” she said, adding “Bilawal Bhutto did not take action for protection of any of the provinces but spoke up to protect his father.”
Under Bilawal’s leadership, the vision of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s politics is facing death.” She went on to add that she believed he owes the nation an apology for his ‘irresponsible’ statements.
Gul said that both Nawaz Sharif and Zardari have up till now done only concentrated on province-centric politics; while under his long rule Nawaz Sharif was unable to build a hospital where he could get treatment of high quality.
Zartaj Gul: breaking barriers in clan politics in southern Punjab
Gul expressed the view that she did not consider Bilawal a refined politician because in her opinion he was so naïve, he had no idea about the Omni group. “He had been using illegally generated money for the last 27 years,” she said.
She went on to add that the previous governments did not carry out any substantial development projects, especially in south Punjab. She added that the nation was bearing the brunt of the corruption of political elite and the huge loans they took.
Moreover, she further spoke on the recent conflict between Pakistan and India and in this regard she mentioned that the armed forces shot down the Indian jet in broad day light but the Pakistan Tehreek-i- Insaaf (PTI) government decided to release the pilot and send him back to his country as a peace gesture. She added that Prime Minister Imran Khan’s success was a result of his 21 years of struggle.
Furthermore, she congratulated the participants of the Pakistan Day event.
Published in The Express Tribune, March 26th, 2019.
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