Trilateral Summer School: Young diplomats finding innovative solutions

Professionals from Pakistan, Germany Afghanistan develop network of cooperation.

Express June 21, 2011
Trilateral Summer School: Young diplomats finding innovative solutions

About 38 young professionals from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Germany met in Islamabad to attend a trilateral Summer School organised by the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation, said a press release.

From June 12 to 19, the participants discussed important topics of security, stability and trade in the region. The German Ambassador Dr. Michael Koch, patron of the summer school emphasized the need for enhanced collaboration in order to solve common problems.

The purpose of the Trilateral Summer School was to bring together representatives of the young generation of the three countries. “The Trilateral Summer School provided a unique opportunity for the participants to set-up a trilateral network of friendship, trust and cooperation,” said Dr. Babak Khalatbari, Resident Representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. He stressed the importance of cementing friendly relations between Afghanistan, Pakistan and Germany in order to consolidate the stability of the region.

The participants visited Lahore on a socio-political trip where they attended the Wagah Border Ceremony and visited the historical landmarks of the city. The school ended with a scenario mapping workshop which was conducted by Ambassador (retired) Dr Gunter Mulack. The participants were divided in three groups and each group was asked to predict the future and construct a scenario for Afghanistan and Pakistan in the year 2015. The participants came up with a worst case, a best case and a trend scenario. “The interesting scenario mapping for future developments was a remarkable and successful new way of assessing the possible situation in 2015 for both countries”, said the ambassador.

The speakers also included First Deputy Speaker of the Senate Sayed Hamed Gailani from Afghanistan, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Loewenstein from Germany as well as the former Prime Minister of Azad Jammu Kashmir Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhary from Pakistan.

The sessions were moderated by the Dean of the Trilateral Summer School Dr. Ross Masood Husain, founder and first Director General of the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad. Press release

Published in The Express Tribune, June 21st, 2011.


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