Positive beginnings: College recognises student achievements

At the 40th convocation of IMCG, degrees and prizes were given to students.

Nishaa Ishtiak May 31, 2011
Positive beginnings: College recognises student achievements


The auditorium of Islamabad Model College for girls (IMCG), F-7/2 branch, echoed with the excited chatter of girls smartly dressed in regalia, snapping pictures, ready to recieve their degrees. The 40th convocation and prize distribution ceremony of the college, 2007-2009, was held on May 30 , for B.A, B.Sc Home Economics and the postgraduate session. Degrees were conferred to 422 graduates, 90 postgraduates and 87 received roll of honour.

The students were awarded for  excelling at both university and national level. Daniah Tahir, a B.Sc double math and physics major obtained second position in the University of Punjab (UoP) examination, 2009, securing 82.87% marks. She had been awarded Rs 75,000 from UoP and 50,000 from CM Punjab. Tahir shyly acknowledged to having achieved a lot of boost from the recognition and said was going to work harder in the future. Maryam Khan, a former M.sc Textiles and Clothing student also awarded for securing first position in UoP for the 2008-2010 session.

A scholarship of Rs 50,000 for high achievers in B.Sc Biological sciences has been initiated by a former student Dr Azra Raza, an oncologist associated with a leading cancer research institute in the USA .The proud recipients of the accolade were Sanniyah Subhan and Fatimah Khattack, who were rewarded Rs 25,000 each. The former B.Sc students are currently pursuing their post graduation in QAU.

Subhan, a student of MSC plant sciences, said she intended to do research in medicinal plants and has plans of doing a PhD from abroad. While talking about her future academic endeavours she said, “I am positive about getting a scholarship from the HEC as it has done a lot of good for students” and hoped the devolution wouldn’t go through.

Fatimah Khattak, the second recipient of the merit award and a student of Microbiology, said she intended to conduct research in proteomics. Speaking about the College award, they said, “The annual award has been initiated to encourage and appreciate our academic excellence”.

The chief guest on the occasion was, Secretary Ministry of Women Development, Batool Qureshi. She applauded the graduates and the prize winners. Quoting the famous Michael Jackson song, she advised students to exhaust all efforts and ‘Make the world a better place for the entire human race’. She expressed her surprise at the noticeably fewer number of parents present and hoped for a larger turnout in the future. The College Principal Durdana Asrar gave the college report. Dating since 1967 it is the oldest women college in the federal capital and currently has more than 3500 students.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 31st, 2011.


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