The Rawalpindi police, as per their security plan, has decided to deploy over 2,000 officers in the district on August 14. Around 500 cops will be deployed in the hill station of Murree which is expected to be thronged by thousands of visitors from across the country.
In Rawalpindi city, 2,000 police officers will be deployed. They will be supported by members of the police elite force, women police officers and officials from the special branch.
Several temporary pickets will be set up for snap checking and for cordoning off sensitive areas. Pickets will also be set up on the entry and exit routes of the city and that no one will be allowed to enter the city without proving their identity.
Police officers will also be deputed on frequented parks and entertainment spots in the city.
There will be enhanced patrolling from police officers, members of the elite force, Muhafiz Squads and Dolphin Force.
CPO Rawalpindi Abbas Ahsan has urged the public not to indulge in any illegal activities on independence day such as aerial firing.
In Murree, the area has been divided into two sectors and special pickets have been erected. As many as 500 police officers will be performing their duties in the hill resort.
A police spokesperson said Elite Force, Muhafiz Force and Dolphin Force will patrol the roads and streets while traffic officials will regulate traffic round the clock.
SP Sadar Division will supervise overall security arrangements in Murree.
No one-wheeling
The Rawalpindi City Traffic Police has decided to launch a crackdown on those involved in one-wheeling, racing, car drifting, and performing dangerous stunts on the roads. Those driving without a silencer on Independence Day will also be subject to police action.
Officials have warned that anyone caught involved in one-wheeling stunts on the roads will be apprehended, booked and sent to jail.
Moreover, to ensure stricter control, the police have announced that they will also file a case of abetting and for not displaying responsibility with regards to their children against the parents of those found performing dangerous stunts on the roads. Mechanics who have altered the motorbikes to perform the stunts will also be booked.
The traffic police have constituted special squads who will be deployed on various thoroughfares frequented by stunt drivers to enforce the crackdown.
Rawalpindi Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Muhammad Bin Ashraf asked parents to show responsibility towards their children on Independence Day and keep a vigilant eye on them, especially on the nights between August 13 and 14.
He urged them not to allow their children to leave their homes without any reason so that the children do not partake in any unlawful activities.
“These thorough measures are taken because one-wheeling a fatal activity, not only for those performing the stunt but also for others driving on the road,” he said, adding that the city traffic police will take strict action against those involved in one-wheeling or display of dangerous stunts and no leniency will be shown in this regard.
He warned that instead of enjoying with their family and friends, violators will spend their Independence Day and Eidul Azha behind bars.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 13th, 2018.
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