Husband and actor Akshay Kumar shared a photograph of the two traveling in a convertible."Forever making every ride full of adventure and amusement, my favourite companion... for life! Happy birthday, Tina," he captioned the image.
The Toilet: Ek Prem Katha actor and Twinkle got married in 2001, and share two children - son Aarav and daughter Nitara.
Twinkle, popularly known as her online avatar Mrs Funny Bones, has time and again posted ‘controversial’ messages on social media this year. So, let’s take a walk down memory lane and have a look at the posts that had the most reactions, compiled from SpotBoye.
1) Dua
Twinkle's hubby dearest was amidst a big dispute after he referred to Mallika Dua in an indecent way. Although many were enraged by his comments, Twinkle not only defended Akshay but even went on to crack some jokes. Unsurprisingly, she was trolled ruthlessly on social media.
However, once daughter Nitara got dragged into it all, she took to Twitter to express her annoyance.
2. Triple Talak and Right to Privacy
In another twitter post, Twinkle went on to speak about the new bills passed by the government on Triple Talak and the Right to Privacy.
3. Guru Sri Sri Ravishankar
Twinkle has also posted about the Art Of Living guru Sri Sri Ravishankar, where she referred to the leader as someone who is trying to spread the art of intimidation. Obviously, his followers left no time in defending him and trolled her for the next few days.
4. Padmavati
Twinkle posted a few tweets in support of Padmavati maker Sanjay Leela Bhansali which was followed by many protestors lashing out on her.
5. Goods and Services Tax
Twinkle took a dig at the current government's stand related to the Goods and Services Tax. When one passionate leader declared to provide Rs 10 Crore to anyone who beheads Deepika Padukone and Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Twinkle sarcastically asked the leader whether the money would have GST deductions or not.
6. Narendra Modi government
Twinkle took a jab at the Narendra Modi government's Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. She took a picture of a person defecating openly outside her house right on the Juhu beach. The post went viral, and Twinkle was referred as anti-national by trolls.
After starting her career as an actor with films like Barsaat and Jab Pyaar Kisise Hota Hai, Twinkle only did a few more movies, following which she took up interior designing. She is now a successful entrepreneur, an author and columnist.
She is also venturing into film production with Padman, which features husband Akshay. Directed by R. Balki, Padman, releasing on January 26, is based on Arunachalam Muruganantham, who created a revolution in the field of affordable menstrual hygiene.
As of now, Twinkle is enjoying her vacation with child-like enthusiasm. In some photographs that she shared, she is seen age-defying and perched on a tree branche.
"I want to be like a child again-to climb trees and perch on branches, only because the tree exists and so do I," she tweeted.
Happy Birthday Twinkle Khanna!
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