Top US officials head to Pakistan

Express May 18, 2010

WASHINGTON: The Washington Post reported that two top US officials are on their way to Pakistan for talks with Pakistani officials.

The officials include President Obama's security adviser, James Jones, and CIA Director Leon Panetta.

Jones and Panetta intend to reiterate the importance of an aggressive military action in North Waziristan in meetings with  President Asif Zardari, Prime Minister Gilani and General Ashfaq Pervaz Kiyani.

This high-profile visit will come in the backdrop of General Stanley McChrystal's visit to Pakistan on the eighth of this month.

Quoting officials, the paper claimed that the US is pleased so far with Pakistan's cooperation in the investigation into the botched terror attack in New York. The probe is focusing on any role insurgents may have played in helping to train and otherwise assist bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad.


Shakil Ahmed/. | 14 years ago | Reply The frequent meetings of both countries, will help to eliminate terrorism form our countries.
Zulfiqar Haider | 14 years ago | Reply This visit, followed by meetings will certainly help both countries to cooperate and curb this issue of terrorism in the tribal areas of Pakistan.
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