Mutilation claim: UN says no complaint received from India

We have not received any alleged ceasefire violations reports from the Indian authorities, says Stephane Dujarric

APP May 03, 2017
A file photo of Pakistani troops patrolling alongside the Line of Control. PHOTO: AFP

UNITED NATIONS: India has filed no complaint with the United Nations about its allegations that Pakistani troops on May 1 killed two of its soldiers patrolling the Line of Control (LoC) before mutilating their bodies, a UN spokesman said on Tuesday.

"We checked with our colleagues with UNMOGIP [UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan]. We have not received any alleged ceasefire violations reports from the Indian authorities related to the latest incident that we saw yesterday [Monday]," spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in reply to a question about clashes between the two South Asian neighbours along the de facto border which divides Kashmir between Pakistan and India.

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On Monday, the Pakistan Army rubbished the allegations of mutilating Indian soldiers’ bodies, saying it would never disrespect a soldier’s body.

UNMOGIP, deployed in January 1949, supervises the ceasefire between the two arch-rivals in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

It is pertinent to mentioned here that Islamabad allows UN observers to monitor the LoC but New Delhi does not.

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At the same time, the spokesman denied a correspondent's suggestion that the UN chief was not paying due attention to the deteriorating situation in Indian-hold Kashmir.

"The Secretary-General [António Guterres] is paying attention to this issue," the spokesman remarked.

"We continue to reiterate the need for the parties [Pakistan and India] to find a peaceful solution through engagement and dialogue," he added.


Amit | 7 years ago | Reply Yes, bcoz India do not recognise presence of UN forces in its own territory and do not need UN to sort out India's internal problem. As far as Pakistan is concerned may be they are preparing to send few more fake ambulances and school buses to loc area expecting to shelter against India's retaliation. Good luck I don't know who did it and why but someone needs to pay and it's going to be them obviously if this time they do not go and again hide behind civilians and let them die.
Abdul Awwal | 7 years ago | Reply India does not recognize their presence or jurisdiction in Kashmir, so there is no question of complaining to them.
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