Maryam Nawaz out of media spotlight

Party members believe lead-up to Panamagate verdict has forced PM’s daughter to take a back seat in party affairs

Sardar Sikander April 17, 2017

ISLAMABAD: Not long ago, Maryam Nawaz was regarded as the driving force behind PML-N’s policies. She used to be the centre of attention virtually at every political and public gathering Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif would preside.

From Prime Minister House’s media management to heading PML-N’s central social media team and something as crucial as governor Sindh’s appointment, the PM’s daughter would make the final call. In political circles, she was rated as ‘next in line’ to hold the ruling party’s reins in the form of the premier’s political heir.

Lately however, the ‘first daughter’ appears to have gone backstage. Over a month or so, PM has made multiple visits to Sindh and travelled to different parts across the country but Maryam was nowhere to be seen.

This ‘disappearance’ according to some PML-N circles, has much to do with the turn of events surrounding Panamagate. These informed insiders believe, for Maryam to stay on backseat, bears relevance with the mega corruption case in which the PM’s daughter, his two sons and the premier himself, are respondents.

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“The political adjustments have to be realigned with respect to the given situation,” commented a PML-N leader. He believed that Maryam’s ‘disappearance’ was a temporary phase that would pass as soon as the dust surrounding Panamagate would settle.

“Nothing is permanent in politics. For bigwigs there is always a room for comeback.”

Another source argued that the PM’s daughter was still calling the shots from behind the scene.

“Apparently she may not be around but things are different behind the curtains,” he said, adding that some key decisions the PM took lately, including strong condemnation of the murder of a university student in Mardan, on the charges of blasphemy, came on Maryam’s advice. She also tweeted to strongly condemn Mashal Khan’s murder.

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If you think that she’s been sidelined, you can’t be more wrong. She has an active say in the affairs—like before—it’s just that things are different than they seem.”

The reason the PM decided to keep his daughter away from the spotlight is also linked to political criticism.

“Things were just adding up in the existing circumstances. Panamagate—and all the pressure coming from this scandal—you just can’t afford to attract opposition. In a situation like this, when you could be the potential target—of criticism—you need to keep a low-profile.”

The PTI factor, he said, is also instrumental in getting Maryam to ‘take a break’ from the limelight. “When you are faced with a political foe as formidable as Imran Khan, you better tune your moves wisely or else, there’s always a huge space for backlash.

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PTI would never let an opportunity go to cash in on her [Maryam’s] active political presence—that she’s not a government functionary or a public office-bearer but is running the affairs by virtue of her family background, stirred negative publicity, something our party cannot afford at the moment.”

A PML-N lawmaker from Punjab chapter said Maryam would be back in the spotlight ‘very soon.’

“There is a realisation in the ruling camp that Maryam’s distancing from the media glare has been publicly noticed. So, to counter this perception, she would make a few media appearances in the days to come and you’ll see her standing next to the PM. But it wouldn’t be as frequent as it was in the past.”

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Maryam’s departure from the limelight is also explained in the context of internal differences between the PML-N’s powerful camps, he said. “On one hand, there is Ishaq Dar and on the other hand, there is Maryam Nawaz. Both are Sharif family members but they do not get along well. These days Dar is very much ‘in’ and he is on the forefront in dealing with the political issues. This happens in big political parties.... when one camp takes the charge.... other goes for a passive approach.”

Speaking to The Express Tribune, political analyst Kanwar Dilshad said Panamagate is nothing less than a political storm for the PML-N. “You take a safe refuge to avoid the storm and come out once it is over.  The same is happening as far as Maryam Nawaz and PML-N’s exiting policy is concerned.”

PM’s Adviser Ameer Muqam offered a brief and cautious response. “It’s completely incorrect that she [Maryam] is away from the scene. She follows the party leadership’s guidance and acts accordingly, keeping in view the party’s preferences. Our leadership is not guilty so we don’t need to worry about Panamagate.”


Haji Atiya | 7 years ago | Reply She has the amazing ability to lie with such a pious expression on her face..
Shah | 7 years ago | Reply @Copper: ; The whole family is corrupt and mentally crooked criminals; Looks like they are setting up to run; Maybe she is with other members of her and her father's new Hindus family in Hindus-tan;
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