Remains of 3,700-year-old pyramid found in Egypt

The pyramid from the 13th dynasty was found in Dahshur's royal necropolis, 30km south of Cairo

Afp April 03, 2017

CAIRO: The remains of an Egyptian pyramid built around 3,700 years ago have been discovered near the well-known bent pyramid of King Snefru, the antiquities ministry announced on Monday.

The pyramid from the 13th dynasty was found in Dahshur's royal necropolis, 30km south of Cairo, it said.

"An alabaster... block engraved with 10 vertical hieroglyphic lines" was among the finds, the ministry said, citing Adel Okasha, director general at the necropolis. It said "granite lintel and stoney blocks showing the interior design of the pyramid" were also found.

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Excavation is still in its early stages and the size of the pyramid has not yet been established. Blocks of stones and the beginning of a corridor which were discovered are shown in photos provided by the ministry.

"All the discovered parts of the pyramid are in very good condition and further excavation is to take place to reveal more parts," the ministry said.

Egypt, home of one of the world's earliest civilisations, boasts 123 ancient pyramids, Zahi Hawas, former head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said.

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They include the world-famous Pyramids of Giza, constructed around 4,500 years ago. The Khufu pyramid is the largest of the three in Giza, standing at 146 metres, and the only surviving structure of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Khufu and Khafre in Giza along with the Bent and Red pyramids in Dahshur are part of Operation ScanPyramids, with teams scanning the structures in search of hidden rooms and cavities.


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