Hunting for new talent: Lok Virsa holds first open mic

Seven singers perform before a panel of judges

APP March 07, 2017
Folk artists perform at Lok Virsa. PHOTO: EXPRESS

ISLAMABAD: In a bid to provide a platform for emerging signers, the Lok Virsa has started a new ‘Open Mic’ programme with the first session being held on Sunday.

The programme helps promote those who are eager to sing but they lack a proper or available platform to perform.

At the first session at Lok Khaba, seven singers participated including Uzma Nadeem, Saira Nigar, Nasir Jamil, Azra Ilyas, Masood Ahmed, Nangyal Khan and Ahmed Khan Malangi.

They sang a number of songs which were judged by a panel of judges comprising Dr Abrar Umer, Tariq Mehmood and Ahmed Niazi. Later, the participants were awarded certificates by writer Hameed Shahid.

Lok Virsa Executive Director Dr Fouzia Saeed said that the purpose of the programme is to provide a platform to talented singers. She added that Pakistan was rich with the talent and that it was their responsibility to search for them and promote them.

She added that the Open Mic programme was the first step to discovering melodious voices and would be held every week. Lok Virsa will conduct auditions on Thursday and the selected singers would perform before a panel of judges on Sunday.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 7th, 2017.


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