MMA star Bashir Ahmad challenges Amir Khan to a fight

Bashir Ahmad is the first person to represent Pakistan in international MMA competition

Press Release February 25, 2017
PHOTO COURTESY: Twitter/ @amirkingkhan

LAHORE: In a response to former world champion Amir Khan's ongoing call to action for anyone to take him on, top Pakistani Mixed Martial Arts star Bashir Ahmad has today publicly challenged Amir Khan to a fight.

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Amir, who has invited anyone to take him on with the Sting Challenge, is yet to accept or deny the challenge.

Bashir Ahmad is widely known as the “Godfather of Pakistani MMA.”

Born in Pakistan, he left for the United States as a child. He served in the US Army and did a tour of Iraq in 2004-2005 where he began studying martial arts.

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In 2009 he moved to Pakistan to promote the sport of Mixed Martial Arts through his organization (PAKMMA).

Since then his efforts have propelled MMA to become the fastest growing sport in Pakistan with a growing domestic scene and the creation of sports heroes, the foremost of which is Bashir Ahmad himself.

Bashir Ahmad is the first person to represent Pakistan in international MMA competition when he made his debut at the largest MMA league in Asia, ONE Championship in April 2013, defeating the heavily favored Shannon “One Shin” Wriratchai.


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