Youths protest against democracy

Some 150 youths gathered at the Liberty roundabout on Sunday in a protest organised via Facebook.

Rameez Khan February 21, 2011
Youths protest against democracy

LAHORE: Some 150 youths gathered at the Liberty roundabout on Sunday in a protest organised via social networking site Facebook, to demand that Pakistan scrap its democratic political system and replace it with an “Islamic” system of governance.

It was the third consecutive week that Youth 4 Change had organised a protest “against the democratic system and the American hegemony in Pakistan”. The protesters chanted slogans in support of Islam. They held placards and banners denouncing America and in support of Dr Afia Siddiqui, and in support for the protests in Cairo at Tahrir (Liberty) Square.

The protesters demanded the closure of all US embassies and consulates in Pakistan, an end to the war in Afghanistan, that Raymond Davis to be tried under Islamic law, that Dr Siddiqui be released, and that the armed forces of Pakistan obey Allah and the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and unite the Muslim Ummah under one caliph.

Junaid Khan, an engineering student at the National University of Science and Technology, said the protest was meant to push for change. “In Pakistan, democracy and dictatorship have been tried and failed. Now it is time to bring in an Islamic system. That is the only way for Pakistan to progress,” he said.

Farooq Qazi, who works in advertising, said it was time for Pakistan to stand up to America and protect its sovereignty.

He said that Raymond Davis case was not the core issue between the two countries, but that Pakistan was dependent on the US for aid.

He said that the Islamic system had been shown to work over the last 1,300 years. “Islam provides policies for all kinds of business. It cares for the rich and the poor,” he said.

Qazi added that there were a lot of misconceptions about Islam as a violent religion, but it was actually quite caring. “We should try an Islamic system,” he said.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 21st, 2011.


Humayun | 13 years ago | Reply Confused Nation.
KR | 13 years ago | Reply I would love for some religious scholar to explain to me and to the rest of the nation that if we are so deeply religious people and strictly follow all the rules why is it that we are one of the most corrupt nation in the world, why can't an average person can get a fair treatment from local police, why do we have shortage of electricity and even drinking water probably because the same people that are going around preaching religion are the same one that don't pay their taxes or steal electricity and water. Till we find a way to elima There is more Islam in Pakistan but true Muslims are very hard to find and that's the reality. Till we find a way to curb corruption we will always be a great nation of beggar, always looking to foreign for aid
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