Viral video: Dutch MP refuses to shake Israeli prime minister's hand

Kuzu, who is a vocal supporter of Palestinian rights, has since justified his actions on Facebook

News Desk September 09, 2016
Dutch Parliament Member Tunahan Kuzu (L) refuses to shake hands with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his visit to the States General at the Binnenhof as part of Netanyahu's visit to the Netherlands at the Binnenhof, in the Hague, on September 7, 2016. PHOTO: AFP

A Dutch politician refused to shake the outstretched hand of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his visit to the Netherlands.

A video clip shows the awkward moment when the Muslim Dutch MP, Tunahan Kuzu snubs the Israeli leader as he approaches him after greeting other politicians lined to welcome him. In response, Netanyahu is then seen shrugging and moving away.

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Turkish-born Kuzu is a vocal supporter of Palestinian rights. He can be seen wearing a badge bearing the Palestinian flag during his encounter with the Israeli PM. Since the incident, he shared a justification for his actions on Facebook. “While the streets of Gaza were reddened by blood that splashed out of the veins of children in the summer of 2014, the red carpet is rolled here,” Kuzu wrote. “That deserves no handshake, but a reference to #FreePalestine,” he added.

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Embarrassed by the snub, the Israeli PR machine cut out the handshake refusal from the video shared on YouTube by the PM’s office. But that did not stop the original video from going viral. While some accused the Dutch MP of antisemitism, others took to Twitter to praise him. “What a boss”, one user wrote, while another called handshake refusal a “sign of strength and decency”.

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After the video went viral, Netanyahu shared a video on his Twitter account ostensibly in reference to Kuzu. "Today we saw another clear example of those who want peace and those who don't," he said. "Those who twist their noses, let their noses stay twisted," Netanyahu concluded quoting former Israeli PM, Menachem Begin.

This article originally appeared on RT.


Rana | 7 years ago | Reply From Netanyahu gesture Israel gives a damn about this one MP.
ajeet | 7 years ago | Reply He is a Muslim MP and he will never be a Dutch Mp holding the Dutch interest in heart.
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