She was recently spotted shooting for Dear Maya at a zoo in Delhi. When asked about the new project, she said, “Well, this movie has an interesting script but it is not my second innings in Bollywood in any way. I was always here! But yes, I will be doing only one film in a year.”
The 90’s star – who turned 46 earlier this month – also spoke of ageing gracefully. “You have to evolve with time. I believe one should age gracefully and tastefully, with acceptance, which is really important,” stated Koirala.
Just as young designers are trying to push boundaries through their creative outfits in the fashion industry, Koirala wants Bollywood actors to do the same, rather than just focusing on glamour. “We had some path-breaking roles in the time of Smita Patil and Shabana Azmi but somewhere in between, we lost that. By the grace of God, I got a few opportunities and I would like that to continue,” she said. “I want young female actors to do meatier roles and not focus on glamour alone. They should be doing substantial, performance-oriented roles.”
Having said that, Koirala does not deny fashion sensibilities have improved in Bollywood. “We really didn’t care so much about fashion back in our time but nowadays, everyone is fashionable and looks-conscious,” said the 1942: A Love Story star.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 28th, 2016.
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