Krishna to call on Qureshi

Express May 07, 2010


External Affairs Minister SM Krishna will call his Pakistani counterpart today to decide the future course of bilateral engagements between New Delhi and Islamabad.

They are expected to talk about the modalities for bringing down the post 26/11 trust deficit and rebuilding mutual confidence between the two nations.

Krishna, himself, revealed his plan to talk to Qureshi over the telephone in the Rajya Sabha on Thursday.

He said that India has decided to talk with Pakistan, as there had been a transformation in ties with assurances that India’s “core concern” would be addressed by Islamabad.


Sardar Khan. | 14 years ago | Reply Why talk with billigent indians.They are not trustworthy at all.When their leaders meet with our leaders (in private)they always talk in concialition tones,but as soon as they come out in the open,their tone is changed thats is the problem.Take Monmohen Singh,he is a puppet inthe hands of Sonia(who holds all the strings).Therefore,it is much better to just ignore them until more sensible leadership comes to power in india.Who will be sensible enough to go forward with peace as it's goal.
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