Horoscope: June 14, 2016

Your stars today

Shelley Von Strunckel June 14, 2016
Your stars today

Aries | March 20 – April 19

As an Aries, you’ll fight for what, and who, you believe in. Consequently, you’re well aware you must sometimes lose a battle to win a war. Not only is that the case now, but back off while you can do so without drama, and you’ll be able to learn from your mistakes.

Taurus | April 20 – May 20

Having wrestled with others about the best way to rethink certain longstanding business or financial arrangements, you’re both exasperated and oddly hopeful. It’s just you’re missing one particular piece of the puzzle, one that would pull everything else together. Continue exploring your options. You’ll discover it, and within a few days.

Gemini | May 21 – June 20

Suddenly certain tough decisions are urgent. This leaves you little time for debate. Actually, it’s best if you think and act swiftly. Take this approach with less pressing decisions, too, since lengthy discussions will only confuse matters. Besides, while facts are hard to come by, your views are crystal clear.

Cancer | June 21 – July 22

You don’t even need to discuss others’ feelings about difficult issues. As a sensitive Cancerian, you often know more about the reaction of certain individuals than they do themselves. This is especially the case now. The trick is to talk about their concerns. You’ll clear up any confusion, often within minutes.

Leo | July 23 – August 22

For ages you’ve kept one particular alliance, personal or business, afloat. Initially, it was easy but increasingly, you’re doing lots of giving and getting little in return. Discuss this if you want. However, it’s likely the individual in question will have no idea why you’re annoyed. And that’s the real problem.

Virgo | August 23 – September 22

Recently efforts to get one particular individual to be helpful have been futile. They weren’t ignoring you. The problem is that they don’t share your sense of responsibility, so genuinely don’t comprehend what you’re expecting. Forget about them understanding the issue in question. Instead, simply tell them what you want done.

Libra | September 23 – October 22

Rethinking elements of your domestic or working life is nothing new. Yet you’re wary about tackling certain changes, mostly because they’d take you into unfamiliar territory, and just when you’re already feeling a bit unsure about what’s next. While, at minimum, you’ll learn something, you could just revolutionise your life.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

Obviously the discovery somebody has been deceiving you is upsetting. Yet you’ve felt things were amiss. Before you jump to conclusions about the individual in question or their motivation, make a few discreet inquiries and, perhaps, confront them. What you learn will explain everything and the resulting discussions could bring you closer.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 21

Being tolerant by nature, you enjoy the company of others for what they are, and ignore what they’re not. However, there’s one trait you find it difficult to deal with; the absence of a sense of humour. Yet that’s exactly what you’re facing. Bizarre as it seems, certain individuals have none.

Capricorn | December 22 – January 19

The powerful clash between your ruler Saturn and Neptune, the planet of both vision and illusion, may not be until the end of the week. But it’s already triggering confusion, in circumstances and in your own mind. Challenging as wrestling with this is, what you learn will prove invaluable.

Aquarius | January 20 – February 17

As interested as you are in the ideas and activities of others, it’s vital that you base certain crucial decisions on what you, and you alone, want in your life. As caring and, often, wise as the ideas, suggestions and advice of well-meaning individuals seems, it’s from their perspective, not yours.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

Rethinking things is no problem. On the contrary, as somebody who’s a bit of a perfectionist, you’re always delighted with an opportunity to make improvements. Now, however, you really must stick to what’s been organised. If you don’t, you’ll cause those who’ve based their arrangements on your plans enormous upset.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 14th, 2016


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