Internal fissures in PTI to add to tensions

If the ruling party is not strong how can it tackle violence, terrorism

Shamim Shahid June 05, 2016
If the ruling party is not strong how can it tackle violence, terrorism. PHOTO: INP

PESHAWAR: Seething dissent from rivals and internal rifts within his party are likely to fuel hardships for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairperson Imran Khan. This might, in turn, make it difficult for the party to address a network of challenges in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

Some of the stalwarts of PTI are dissatisfied with the work of the party in the province and are now openly condemning Chief Minister Pervez Khattak.

A string of events has pointed towards the fissures that have emerged within the party.

Almost two days back, PTI MNA from Tank, Dawar Khan Kundi, held a meeting at his residence where he criticised the chief minister.

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On another occasion, PTI Women Wing K-P President Naseem Hayat, along with other women of the party, decried the interference of PTI MNA Nafeesa Khattak and her aide from Punjab, Munaza Hassan. They were allegedly trying to appoint women in the party without having the authority to do so. It was said that Nafeesa was trying to garner support for the intra-party elections.

Moulding the situation

As it is, problems within PTI are affecting the base of the party. They are not being dealt with so the matter can be resolved. On the contrary, those in power are likely to use the incidents for ulterior motives.

For instance, a few days back a scuffle broke out between workers of PTI and Awami National Party in Mardan. Subsequently, at least six people died and several others injured.

Before finding the culprits, it is vital to drive home the point that such incidents mirror the failure of office-holders of the respective parties in general and of the custodians of law and order in particular.

The Mardan violence could lead to cementing the opposition’s understanding about the ruling party. The chief minister should resolve the issue, but he is instead using the matter for political gains. However, the disappointment of workers from ruling party in K-P with their own leaders is not new. The case of PTI appears to speak of a different case.

The resentment of party workers has led some members to make decisions on their own, without taking the leadership into consideration. This act is harmful to the interest of the party.

Bleak future

The internal tension is not the only problem the party is faced with. As it is transgender activist Alesha’s death had drawn the ire of civil society activists, and exposed the loopholes in the “health reforms”. Now the employees are also taking to the streets against the system. This has broken the records of arrests and filled jails to the brim. Recently, the arrest of nurses was the first time that female nurses were put behind bars.

PTI office in Rawalpindi sealed for defaulting on tax

Such situations are also paving the way for opposition parties to make political gains.

These issues affect K-P in a different way because the dynamics of the province are different in comparison with the other three provinces’.

As it is, the people of K-P have suffered due to terrorism. This was followed by deteriorating relations with Afghanistan which affected trade that Afghanistan made via Pakistan. Subsequently traders, transporters and skilled workers of K-P and Federally Administered Tribal Areas would lose their jobs.

Therefore, it is time for Imran and the chief minister to put their own home in order so as to avert the danger that might befall the province and its people.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 6th, 2016.



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