Awaiting compensation: Quake-affected families take to the streets

The affected families have been protesting for several months

Our Correspondent April 26, 2016

CHITRAL: Quake-affected families in Drosh, Chitral took to the streets on Tuesday over the district administration’s failure to compensate them. They threatened to hold more sit-ins if their demands continued to be brushed under the carpet. At least 450 people participated in the protest. They shouted slogans against the district administration. As per the demonstrators, the district administration had vowed to compensate them and repair damaged infrastructure. However, two months have passed and little has been done to address their woes. The affected families have been protesting for several months. However, Chitral DC Osama Warraich has repeatedly assured they will conduct a survey and compensate them. “Over 25,000 people have not been compensated and will conduct another survey under the supervision of army personnel,” he said. “The district administration is trying to find out who has not been compensated.”

Published in The Express Tribune, April 27th, 2016.


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