International Firefighters' Day

Express May 04, 2010

LAHORE: The world is observing International Fire Fighters' Day on Tuesday (today) to commemorate the efforts and sacrifices made by the brave men and women to help people in emergencies.

However, the Lahore District Fire Department is in a gloomy state. The district fire department inducts personnel at grade 5 level with an average salary of Rs6,500 per month.

But firmen working with Rescue 1122 service are employed at a much higher grade 11 level. These personnel also get a better average salary of Rs11,000 per month.

Only 3 firemen serve the eight million population of Lahore with 15 fire engines.

No new fire engines have been included in the fleet since the last 10 years while the equipment is also old and fast getting out of date. Nor has there been any recruitment in the fire departmet in the last 3 years.

Even the fire department headquarters in Townhall have been declared unsuitable for living.


baber husain | 14 years ago | Reply Alhumdullilah,I am a 3rd generation Pakistani FIRE FIGHTER and feel great honor to be part of a family who always served the fellow men in saving lives and their properties without discrimination. Fighting Fires and Saving Lives is our family business since last 50 years. At this occasion, we should commit that we'll not only educate ourselves but prepare others to take part in this noble profession. In Pakistan's Fire department, we need Educated & well trained people with vision to lead this Nationally neglected Public service department. Fire Fighting is not just throwing water at fires. It is understanding The Fire first before reaction to Nature of Fire. The recent Fire In Karachi which has burnt thousands of shops overnight was not the Act of God alone but it was a Act of Poor planing,No training and education of fire service men, Lack of Leadership and a reflection of our negligence, locally & Nationally. The personnel working in Fire service should be made free from Politics to serve humanity better. May Allah help us All. Ameen
Capt. Suleman Shah Mahtab | 14 years ago | Reply Press/Media Release International Firefighters Day must be celebrated in Pakistan with Great Honor Issued by: Sr. Marine Captain Suleman Shah Mahtab, PhD Scholar. Expert on Pakistan’s National Fire Safety Policy & Emergency Response, Programs Director of Fire Rescue & Emergency Management in Canada, and President of the Fire Protection Association of Pakistan (FPAP) Islamabad Chapter. Contact: 0333 5912000 or Each year around the World, 4th May is celebrated as an International Fire Fighter’s Day. Children, men and women of all ages and races jointly pay tribute to their fallen and serving fire and rescue responders. In all developed countries and many developing countries, Fire Rescue personnel and responders are regarded as the most caring, helpful, devoted and ever-ready to serve the citizens and communities beyond any boundaries. Because of their selfless and whole-hearted service, they are respected and honored much more than the doctors, engineers, lawyers and armed forces. Fire fighting & Rescue service is considered as the most esteemed service through out the world. The service is responsible to perform the most dangerous work of protecting human lives and properties on daily basis. The Fire & Rescue responders religiously perform their duties in time of peace and in the most hazardous situations, and often by putting their own lives at risk to safe the lives of fellow citizens. They are well aware of the importance of pre-emergency preparation and timely response to an emergency. When a house catches on fire, the inhabitants rush out of their dear home to save their lives often leaving behind their family members and valuable belongings the fire & rescue responders strive to get into the burning house to save life and property. This is what makes them a nation’s heroes. We join international community in celebrating this day to recognize and acknowledge the countless sacrifices these courageous men and women firefighters have offered to preserve and protect lives and property. Our thoughts are with our heroes and we salute them for performing the most dangerous work on everyday basis. Despite the fact that fire & rescue responders in Pakistan have not been provided with adequate support and resources to efficiently perform their duties, they have often put their lives at high risk to serve their fellow citizens and, at several occasions, they have even sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. Yet, they have been criticized and regarded as 2nd grade citizens. However, now is the time to recognize the very services of our firefighters and emergency responders in Pakistan by joining the international community in honoring the services of these brave men and women. It is also the time to provide support and adequate resources to these services so they can fulfill their responsibility with safety and efficiency. We, therefore, request the Government of Pakistan and other concerned departments and organizations to officially celebrate the International Fire Fighter’s Day on every 4th of May. We also request the Government of Pakistan to formulate a professional body/committee that is responsible for the recognition of the services of firefighters and emergency responders to award them in the most befitting manner, and allow emergency services to achieve and maintain international safety and service standards in Pakistan. We also request the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan to expedite the process of approving the first-ever National Fire Safety Policy of Pakistan that has been prepared and submitted to them by a large majority of fire safety professionals and experts. The Policy, when approved and implemented, shall ensure the fire fighters, emergency responders and the emergency service of Pakistan to become one of the best service in the world; and that would also open employment opportunities for hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis, in Pakistan and abroad. ----------------------------------------------30-----------------------------------------------
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