Hashmi took a break from the filming of the fourth instalment of Raaz to share a video on Facebook, urging fans to vote for their favourite cover image. “I am happy to announce that there is a special event on March 20 in Delhi,” said Hashmi. “It’s for the launch of the cover of my book. But before that, I am a bit confused. We have some really good images that we shortlisted … six to seven images shot by Rohan Shrestha.”
The 36-year-old actor went on to describe the images so as to help fans make a decision. “They are really nice, candid images of Ayan and I and we don’t know which one we should carry because they’re all very good. So I’ll leave it to you,” added Hashmi. “Send in your votes for the image that you like the most. The image that gets maximum votes will be the one which will be carried on the cover of the book.”
Emraan Hashmi set to release book on son's cancer struggle
Thus far, Hashmi has shared just two images in which the father-son duo is seen sporting casuals, with emphasis on T-shirts featuring the superhero Batman. The book — entitled Kiss of Life: How a Superhero and My Son Defeated Cancer — is co-authored by Bilal Siddiqui and will be published by Penguin Books in English, Hindi and Marathi.
Published in The Express Tribune, March 4th, 2016.
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