Michael Moore tells Donald Trump: We are all Muslim

Filmmaker launches 'We are all Muslim' campaign in response to Trump's repeated hate speech against Muslims

Web Desk December 17, 2015

American documentary filmmaker and screenwriter Michael Moore has responded to Donald Trump's repeated hate speech against Muslims in the most original way.

The political activist posted a picture of himself standing outside the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, holding a placard inscribed with the words, "We Are All Muslim."

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"Today I stood in front of the Trump Tower and held a sign until police came. Then I went home and wrote Donald Trump a letter," Moore said in a post on his Facebook page.

[fbpost link="https://www.facebook.com/mmflint/photos/a.10150288227701857.331023.24674986856/10153182868471857/?type=3&theater"]

The letter reminded the Republican front-runner that he and his supporters are no longer a representation of what the United States stands for.

"Fortunately, Donald, you and your supporters no longer look like what America actually is today. We are not a country of angry white guys. Here's a statistic that is going to make your hair spin: 81 per cent of the electorate who will pick the president next year are either female, people of colour, or young people between the ages of 18 and 35. In other words, not you. And not the people who want you leading their country," the letter stated.

Commenting particularly on the recent remarks by Trump in which he called for the barring of all Muslims from the United States, Moore said, "So, in desperation and insanity, you call for a ban on all Muslims entering this country. I was raised to believe that we are all each other's brother and sister, regardless of race, creed or colour. That means if you want to ban Muslims, you are first going to have to ban me. And everyone else."

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Further, Moore told the real estate billionaire, "If you don't like living by these American rules, then you need to go to the time-out room in any one of your Towers, sit there, and think about what you've said."

"And then leave the rest of us alone so we can elect a real president who is both compassionate and strong," he added.

"We are all Muslim. Deal with it," Moore's letter concluded.

Further, Moore asked everyone who read the letter and agreed with it to take a picture of themselves holding up the same sign and post it on their instagram and other social media portals.

Here's the response he got:












Twitter was also abuzz with the '#WeAreAllMuslim'  hashtag:





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