He was talking to the newly reshuffled cabinet members who called on him on Saturday at the CM House. Those present on the occasion were Khuhro, local government minister Shoro, food minister Syed Nasir Shah, information adviser Chandio and social welfare advisor to CM, Ziaul Hassan Lanjar.
Congratulating Jam Khan Shoro, the chief minister directed him to work hard. "Everyone is crying against the performance of the local bodies so you have to work day and night to give relief to the people," he said. He further said to Shoro that, "I want to see the city of Karachi clean. Therefore, necessary measures for the purpose must be taken on war footings."
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Talking to Nasir Shah, Qaim Ali Shah said that the portfolio of food was very important but there were a lot of issues that need to be resolved. "More than 700,000 tons of wheat of the last crop is lying in the godowns. So you have to make efforts to export it," he said.
The chief minister welcomed Chandio in the Sindh government. "Now, you are under our umbrella and your portfolio is the voice of the Sindh government," he said, adding that he hoped that Chandio will play an effective role for the government in the media.
The chief minister appreciated the services and hard work of Khuhro in the party and hoped that he will also play an effective role as the parliamentary affairs minister.
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The ministers thanked the party leadership and the chief minister for their induction in the cabinet with new portfolios and assured that they will try their best to come up to the expectations of the party.
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