Neil Postman’s foresight on media’s impact, from misinformation to societal manipulation in the digital era
Capitalism’s relentless demand for productivity fuels burnout and alienation, prompting "quiet quitting"
My family’s marriage plans clashed with my digital-age dilemma: judging a potential suitor via his social media
Plastic pollution plagues Balochistan's coast, endangering marine life, livelihoods, and human health
Feminism misrepresented through patriarchal narratives and societal gaze in media
The baggage that comes with speaking out against sexual harassment
Discover why the Law and Justice Commission held a conference to raise awareness about climate change
For those of us on Tenure Track System, it's seems like a drought: no salary increase but higher taxes in every budget
The worsening condition of Pakistani cinema has given an edge to Indian soft power in the form of "patriotic" movies.
By merging advocacy with entertainment, Malala showcases her relentless dedication to championing marginalised voices.