After seeing the apology out of respect for Indians and Hindus, I’d like to ask, where is the apology for us...
As a Muslim, I am called a Pakistani sympathiser and asked to leave; even the auto driver questions my ‘Indianness’
There's no point in living in Pakistan's major city when we endure the same conditions as underdeveloped villages.
Imran was helpless & flustered, while Badawi successfully highlighted that Imran, PTI are only limited to sloganeering
“I did not beg on the streets for this. I know father doesn’t like us begging,” she said with a newfound bitterness.
The rules of eidi are pretty much the same of that of a casino: the house always wins, and you will always lose.
A tasteless film that will get on your nerves; it isn’t easy to bear a film lacking content, script & entertainment.
Today, the hours are infinitely longer and silence more prominent. Today, I realised Eid in Pakistan is unmatched.
This list includes a WWI (why watch it) feature to assist you, as you bond with family and relive childhood memories.
80% of Raqqa was uninhabitable after the US had “liberated” its population; something they actively bragged about.