Today marks the 100th birth anniversary of one of the great Urdu satirists and novelists
Reading these words today, one gets the feeling that Manto had envisioned today’s headlines
'Letters to Uncle Sam' contain a remarkable overview of history, politics, culture and international relations
His work is presented here in the hope that it will ensnare readers into the beguiling net of Akhtar’s lucid style
‘Departmental Store Mein’ marked a break with the tradition of free verse by including pop cultural references
An original translation of ‘Chakle’ is offered here in the hope of presenting a fresh understanding of the...
Razia Sajjad Zaheer was one of Urdu’s most accomplished but least celebrated and acknowledged women writers
The last days of Josh were spent in an atmosphere reminiscent of the final years of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda
We remain largely ignorant about religion due to a reluctance to truly engage with the religious corpus
Not only is the poem arrhythmical abut the attempts at trying to try and establish a poetic metre are almost juvenile