The current state of extremism in Pakistan has come upon the country in a gradual and systematic manner.
To say that the bench is inclusive would be an utter misrepresentation.
Successive government blames the previous one, and so it acquits itself from criticism and consequent responsibility.
Why does every successive government find itself powerless to address the minorities’ issues?
Musharraf was neither the best chief executive nor the worst military dictator.
Political elite has mostly enjoyed impunity when it comes to being held accountable for their performance on ground
Whereas energy conservation is one piece in the puzzle, city planning is another crucial factor.
It is alarming that only 20 per cent of the entire population has access to clean drinking water.
Consequently, and unsurprisingly, Pakistan has the highest percentage of mismanaged plastic in South Asia.
With lack of concerted efforts to combat air pollution, the city of gardens has been tragically choking on toxic air