The torture can only be compared to the torment suffered by African slaves in the US in the 18th and 19th century.
The backbone of the movie is its crisp, to-the-point, believable and spontaneous script.
I stopped looking at myself in the mirror and cringed whenever I saw my reflection, for in my eyes I was still too fat
PM Junejo launched the ‘Apni Basti’ scheme in 1987 to build 130,000 such houses, but ended up constructing only...
If it was only a matter of a small love affair, I would not have told her anything at all.
It is actually incredible how the movie manages to make every scene more boring than the previous one!
If WWE continue with Crown Jewel in Riyadh, they lose their popularity among American fans and their global reputation
One has to consider the timing of the arrests, which are always carried out before an election is to take place.
But it was after our first fight that I came to know that I wasn’t just a wrong number.
Shockingly, people can't decide if we should side with the young girl being violated or the ‘holy man’...